AHH! I just remember about my french test tomorrow on qui and que.

How do you know when to use which? HELP!

4 answers

My text book makes me confuse when I read how it explains it.
You may have to wait until tomorrow for our French expert.
Dang. I completely forgot about this.

Okay so I read on the internet:

Qui is only used if it refers back to the direct subject of the sentence

Que is only used if it refers back to the direct object of a sentence

Since I suck at grammar, I have no idea what the direct object is :P

Ms. Sue, HELP!!!!!!!
You need a better English Class if you don't know what direct and indirect objects are!

Direct Object = he sees ME, I see YOU, you see HIM, HER, IT, US, THEM

Indrect Object = he writes TO ME, TO HER, TO HIM, TO US, TO THEM. The indirect object either STATES or has UNDERSTOOD: to, for, at, from

Now, for French direct-object pronouns are: me, (m'), te, (t'), le (l'), la (l'), nous, vous, les

The indirect-object pronouns are: the same EXCEPT for 3rd person = lui, leur

As for qui and que: (Relative Pronouns)

qui = who, which, that: subject of a verb; used for both persons and things.

Examples: Où est l'enfant QUI s'est fait mal? = Where is the child WHO hurt himself?
Le français est une langue QUI nous plaît. = French is a language THAT (WHICH) pleases us.

que (qu') = whom, which, that: direct object of a verb; used for both persons and things.

Examples: C'est l'actrice QUE nous avons vue hier soir. = She is the actress (WHOM) we saw last night.
Voici les phrases QU'il a traduites. = Here are the sentences (THAT) he translated.

qui = whom: object of a preposition; used only for persons

Examples: Philippe est l'ami avec QUI j'étudie. = Philip is the friend with WHOM I study.
L'homme à QUI vous parliez est millionnaire. = The man to WHOM you were speaking is a millionaire.

lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles = WHICH; object of a preposition; used principally for things.

You are only concerned with QUE and QUI it seems for tomorrow.

Bonne chance!

Sra (aka Mme)