Thank you for posting your work. You also need help with part a.
If CD ==> C + D, then for every 1 mol CD that decomposes, you obtain 1 mol D and 1 mol C; therefore, 0.2 x 0.15 = 0.03 and the (C) = (D) = 0.03. 0.17 is correct for CD.
Keq = (C)(D)/(CD) = (0.03)(o.03)/(0.17) = ?
A substance (CD) decomposes into C and D
At the temperature of the experiment, 15.0% of CD is decomposed when equilibrium is established.
a) if the initial concentration of CD is 0.200mol/L, what are the equilibrium concentrations of CD, C and D?
I got 0.17 for CD and I got 0.015 for C and D.
b) What is K for the reaction at this temperature?
I need help with b please :)
2 answers
Oh now it makes sense. Thank you so much DrBob222 :)