A solid has weight of 400g in air and when partly immersed in a liquid , has a weight of 320g. if it has a relative density of 0.80, fine the volume of the solid

3 answers

Relative Density = Specific gravity=0.8

Ds=0.80 * Dw = 0.80*1g/cm^3=0.80g/cm^3 =
Density of the solid.

Vs = 400g / 0.8g/cm^3 = 500 cm^3. = Vol.
of solid.
W(air) - W(liquid) = R.D. * VOLUME 400 - 320 = 0.80 * V V = 80/0.80 => 100 cm3
Yes, I see my mistake.
Thanks, PUNDRIK.