A scientist was studying the effects of oil contamination on ocean seaweed. He thought that oil runoff from storm drains would keep seaweed from growing normally so he decided to do an experiment. He filled two tanks of equal size with water and monitored the dissolved oxygen and and temperature in each to be sure they were equal. He introduces some motor oil into one tank and then measured the growth of seaweed in the tank. In the tank with no oil, the average growth was 2.7cm. The average growth of the seaweed in the tank with the oil was 2.37cm. Based on this experiment:
3. Identify the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the experimental controls
Answer: independent variable is motor oil
Dependent variable is growth of seaweed
Experimental controls:
Tanks, dissolved oxygen, and temperature
3 answers
You are correct.
What was the question that the scientist started with
What' was his hypothesis