3 boxes are in a room. You know that one contains apples, one contains oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges, nut you don't know the contents of the specific boxes. The boxes are labeled, "apples," "oranges," and "apples and oranges," but each box has the wrong label on it. You must identify the contents of each box by picking one piece of fruit from only one box. You're not allowed to feel the fruit! How can you identify the contents of each box?

Please fully explain because i have no idea!

3 answers

I answered this for you yesterday.

pick the box labled mixed. If an apple is there, the box is apple. If an orange is there, it is orange.

If the first mixed box is apple, then and the other two are wrong labels, then apple box is mixed, and the orange box is apples

If the first mixed box was orange, then the apple box is mixed, and the mixed apple.

so on one try you have figured out all.

Now if the first box was a orange, ...youfigure it out.
thank you!!!