24. Choose two of the following essay prompts. Respond to each in a paragraph. Write your answer in complete sentences. (10 pts each)

1. In both "Marriage Is a Private Affair" and "A Meeting in the Dark," young me fret that their fathers will disapprove of their potential wives. Compare these two stories by looking at how the personalities of the young men and their fathers help to shape the eventual outcomes.

2. a theme that runs through the poems in this unit is that a sense of pride is important to a sense of self worth. what do you think is the connection between this theme and africa's history of colonial rule? support your view with details from at least two of the selections you have read.

can someone please help!?

56 answers

I doubt if anyone here has read those works.
alright thanks for the help lol
If you have read both works, you should have no problem with this assignment, except maybe with the second prompt (the one about colonial rule). For this purpose you should

1. Go to www.google.com

2. Enter the following search words:
colonial rule in Nigeria and read, read, read ...
3. and then enter
colonial rule in Kenya and read, read, read ...
Ms. Sue is a mythical creature >.>
i need this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well help on this
Can someone please help
I need the answer too
I picked prompt 1, who chose that one?
Because I just did that question. :)
The questions seeks to know how the different young mens and their fathers' personalities affected the events of the 2 stories. The commonality between the 2 stories is that they both involve young men who are worried about their fathers' disapproval of their wives. The question asks how this happened even if the young men and their fathers have different personalities. Focus on how their personalities affected what happened in the 2 stories. A completely hypothetical example is because one of the young men was very unsociable, it was difficult for him to talk to his father about his wife which led to his fathers' non-acceptance of the wife.
In "A Meeting in the Dark", the young man in the story opted to kill the woman the claims that he loves for fear of being found out by his father. The woman was pregnant with is child. The young man was very selfish because he wanted to be held in high esteem in society. He prefer to commit murder than be seen as someone other than what image he presented to the community.
Hey thanks so much @OCA2017
thanks OCA 2017 your help with prompt 2 is great :) prompt one isn't much help but still thanks a lot. i didnt really understand the point of a meeting in the dark so thanksssssss
ah thanks bruh
But wait, what about the other question?
I just love questions that never get answered.
well thx i guess
Its treyway blood!!
HAHAHAHAHA, boy if you dont get yo stupid self awtta hereeee!!!!
For prompt three
Africans having pride in their own culture despite being ruled by people of different cultures gave them a sense of self worth.


The people of Africa were ruled by people of different cultures and by the people from different countries. They had a history of colonial rule where they were a colony of many countries.

But despite being ruled by people of different cultures, the people of Africa had pride in their own culture. This gave these people a sense of self worth. The Africans had pride in their own culture, in their own language and their own nation.
· Clayfrog ·
Nov 27, 2018
Yes i agree heres one question and some says FIGURE IT OUT %&$%%#
Me: Yes i would love to put a curse word as my answer the teacher will totaly except that!
If you have done the reading and use CEA and come to class, then you should have no problem. And, these responses are not answering the questions and not providing textual evidence, so is the Academic Integrity violation on your record really worth it?
I would like to say that if we are Googleing the answer, then no, we do not care about academic integrity. I would also like to point out that both of my older siblings went through multiple years of connections Googleing the answers all the time, and were never once caught. You guys might want to work on that.
OCA 2017 IS THE BOMB!!!! Ms. Sue and Writeacher are borrriiinnnggg
its hard for some people to learn in online school so if they dont search the answers they fail but when you search the answers there are times when it really affects you so its hard to say if you should or should not
Bruh fr tho
Online school is B.S Corona messed erbody up
Aaaaaaa They have one actually, its b.s tho, I'm still looking for this answer.
ive been on the same test since 10 am this morning! It's 5:30 and I'M STILL NOT FINISHED SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME WITH #28 !!
Some real talk, I agree
not me working on overdue assignments... definitely not!
Bruh does anyone have the answer :/
@Random are you on the Literature of Africa test for connections academy?
Yes i am I've figured it out so I'm almost done lol
It's been 3 hours don't tell me you died
yall aren't helping smh. I just need the answer to #24 prompt 1 because honestly I didn't read it and I don't have time to go back and read it rn.
if you guess need help with the other questions you can look up the first question and then go on quizlet.
How to not get caught cheating 101.
Step 1: try to find multiple people who wrote an essay with different info and combined it together in your own words
Step 2: get one or two answers wrong on a big test so it looks reasonably. Make sure the question seem like something you would get wrong.

Lmaoo just want to give some tips that I use for people who have trouble.
Here are the answers to prompts 1, 2, and 3.
Remember, DO NOT copy and paste! PLEASE OH PLEASE write them in your own way!

The questions want to discover how the characteristics of the two young men and their dads influenced the events of the two stories. The two scenarios have one thing in common: both include young men who are concerned about their fathers' rejection of their marriages. Even if the young men and their dads have distinct personalities, the query questions how this happened. Concentrate on how their personalities influenced the outcomes of the two stories. Because one of the young men was highly gregarious, it was difficult for him to talk to his father about his wife, which resulted in his father's rejection of the wife.

In "A Meeting in the Dark," the young man opted to murder the lady he claimed to love in order to avoid being detected by his father. The couple were expecting a child. The young man was exceedingly self-centered because he desired to be respected by society. He'd sooner kill than be mistaken for someone other than the person he portrayed to the community.
Africans were controlled by individuals from many cultures and nations. They have a long history of colonial rule, having served as a colony of various countries.

Despite being controlled by people from many civilizations, Africans remained proud of their own culture. This gave these individuals a sense of self-worth. Africans were proud of their heritage, culture, and language.


Hope This helps
bro u copy pasted what everyone else said and made it ur own "do not copy and paste" My A5S
Thanks for letting us know how you are cheating. All future students can thank you, Random and the others, for doing away with tests in the future ELA courses you take at the school. We will now have only timed essays that you don't know the topic until you open and have to do within a short amount of time or come to live help time to complete. If you would just read the selections, you could do this on your own. Meanwhile, are the academic integrity violations really worth it? Three students were administratively withdrawn this semester due to plagiarizing. Hope it's worth it. This is what we say to you - best fit. Online school is not where you need to be if you have to go find answers and try to paste them in as your own. Copying and putting in your own words is still plagiarism, and you would know that if you would come to live lesson and actually go to class instead of try to shortcut your education and then whine about how you weren't prepared for the real world. You are fooling no one and you are only hurting yourself.
Oh man! Ya'll didn't read your Monday Memo??? You don't have to do the essay. You just have to write, " I read the Monday Memo". Thanks for the Christmas gift. Then you get the full 16 points!!!
Hey@yourlocalgod - I need textual evidence and citations, bruh!!
SO my name is biggiee but im not big so i was just going to say to smack that dislike button on the connexus teacher and tell her to eat a big fat egg plant to shut her up
with yo 9to5 AS5 over here telling us to stop your just mad you dont get paid with yo lazy self
Prompt 1: “Marriage is a Private Affair, “ and “A Meeting in the Dark” both have young men who fear their fathers’ disapproval of their potential wives. In “Marriage is a Private Affair,” the father was set and strict on tradition. His kind-heartedness is what differentiates “Marriage is a Private Affair” from “A Meeting in the Dark”. The Nnaemeka and his father got along but not when he had to break the news to his father about who he wanted to marry, for Nnaemeka wanted to marry someone out of his tribe. His father’s reaction was harsh and stern as seen in quotations, “Whoever put this idea into your head might as well have cut your throat. It is Satan’s work.” He waved his son away.” (pg. 307) The ending of “Marriage is a Private Affair” is a good one because Nnaemeka’s father has a change of heart and accepts his son’s choice of a spouse. Unfortunately, the same ending cannot be said for the son and father in “A Meeting in the Dark”. The father in this story was very judgemental and John feared him, as seen in the quotation “So he feared his father. John went in and warned his mother of his father’s coming. Then his father came in. John stood aside, then walked toward the door. He lingered there doubtfully; then he went out.” (pg. 323) “An odd feeling was coming to him, in fact, had been coming, that his relationship with his father was perhaps unnatural.” (pg. 335) His father’s actions eventually imprinted onto John. He was no longer himself but a younger replica of his father as seen in the quotations, “Wamuhu is afraid, extricates herself from him, the mad, educated son of a religious clergyman, and she runs.” So in conclusion, the struggle between the characters in “Marriage is a Private Affair” were eventually resolved and ended happily, but the struggle between the characters in “A Meeting in the Dark” was never resolved and it drove John insane causing him to rationally act out and kill Wamhuhu.

Prompt 2: White people seem to be in a higher status than blacks in all three stories. We see in “The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses” that the ward has a sense of disgust when he dealt with the prisoners. He treated them harshly as well as cruelly. We see this when the ward hits the prisoner with a club, “The next thing Warder Hannetjie whipped out a knobkerrie3 and gave Brille several blows about the head” (pg 368) Although the ward is bad, the prisoners eventually help him and he turns good; in turn, Span One and the Ward help each other out for however long Span One’s serving time is. In the story, “The Moment Before the Gun Went Off” we see that there is a lot of political problems when dealing with blacks because when the accidental shot and murder happened, it was not an accident, it was politcal and very serious because the one who was shot was black. This story helps spread advocacy through South Africa.“An accident, there are accidents with guns every day of the week—children playing a fatal game with a father’s revolver in the cities where guns are domestic objects, nowadays, hunting mishaps like this one, in the country—but these won't be reported all over the world. Van der Vyver knows his will be.” (pg 359) In, “No Witchcraft For Sale” the chef attempts to see eye to eye with the white family regardless of his colors. Unfortunately, the two colors do not see eye to eye which causes them to give up and accept they won't ever be equal.

Prompt 3: The African people had took pride in their own cultures despite the others that were taught or around them. In “A Meeting in the Dark,” the main character killed the one he loved because of his fear of his reputation. He chose murdering a pregnant woman rather than being an outcast of his community. This shows he takes pride in his culture and will do everything do stick with it. On the other hand, “Marriage is a Private Affair” shows that Nnaemeka takes pride in his culture but also doesn’t mind the way they view him. He chooses to follow his heart and sticks to the woman he loves. So in conclusion, the stories show two different ways people react to their community. One chooses his pride over heart while the other chooses heart over pride.
imagine getting mad at students for cheating, when y'all make it so easy. using the same tests for years is just brilliant. anyways, thank you anonymous.
@coolest kid at the school are you at connections academy
Anonymous you are literally a god. tysm you just saved my life
@Anonymous bro i love you i did not want to do this $!!!
They call me.....Tim
Prompt I.

The story “Marriage Is a Private Affair” is about a son, Nnaekmeka, who is afraid to tell his father ___________. Nnaekmeka’s father is ____________. Nnaekmeka handles the conflict by __________________. He is a _________ person. The eventual outcome is __________. The personalities help to shape the outcome by/because _____________. “A Meeting in the Dark” is about a son, John, who is afraid to tell his father ____________. John’s father is ________. Unlike Nnaekmeka, John is _________. John handles the conflict by ___________.The eventual outcome is ______________. The personalities help to shape the outcome by/because _____________.

Prompt III.

The main theme that is in Unit 6 is a sense of pride is important to a sense of self-worth. This can be seen in the poems “I Will Pronounce Your Name” and “Africa.” A line from “Africa” that shows the theme of self-worth is____________. This piece of evidence suggests that_____________. A line from “I Will Pronounce Your Name” that shows the theme of self-worth is ________________. This piece of evidence means _______________.
The theme a sense of pride is important to a sense of self-worth and Africa’s history of colonial rule are connected because_____________. Both of these texts support this connection by showing _______________________.
someone fill in the blanks
ty anonymous <3