I am having a trouble with a few questions.

4. Which of the following sentences from “Poor Fish” does not support the story’s theme of self-loathing and inferiority?
A. “But I looked upon myself as being as fragile as glass, as the thinnest glass, in fact, and that was altogether too much.”
B. “I am small, crooked, rickety, my arms and legs are like sticks, I’m like a spider.”
C. “Well, that was my corner, the corner of the world I had chosen so as not to be conspicuous.”***
D. “…the last thing I should have expected was that in that corner, in that very kitchen, somebody should come and catch me by surprise and pluck me like a flower that has been hidden in the grass.”

6. Read the following lines from the poem “Ten Songs.”

Once we had a country and we thought it fair,
Look in the atlas and you’ll find it there.
We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now.

Which word best describes the tone created in these lines?

A. Alarmed.
B. Offended.
C. Quizzical.
D. Troubled.***

7. Read the following sentences from “First Confession.”

Then, to crown my misfortunes, I had to make my first confession and Communion. It was an old woman called Ryan who prepared use for these. She was about the one age with Gran; she was well-to-do, lived in a big house in Montenotte, wore a black cloak and bonnet, and came every day to school at three o’clock when we should have been going home, and talked to use of Hell. She may have mentioned the other place as well, but that could only have been by accident, for Hell had the first place in her heart.

Which pair of words best describes Ryan.
A. Gloomy and unhappy.
B. Dark and foreboding.***
C. Weathered and stingy.
D. Prompt and meticulous

9. When the reader knows something that a character or speaker does not, it is called
A. Tragic irony. ***
B. Verbal Irony.
C. Dramatic Irony.
D. Situational Irony.

13. Read the following sentences from “The Youngest Doll.”

The aunt spent a whole week with her leg covered with mustard from thigh to ankle, but when the treatment was over, they found that the ulcer had grown even larger and that it was covered with a slimy, stonelike substance that couldn’t be removed without endangering the whole leg. She then resigned herself to living with the prawn permanently curled up in her calf. The main conflict in these sentences can be identified as

A. Man vs. man.
B. Man. Vs. nature. ***
C. Man vs. society.
D. Man vs. himself.

14. Read the following lines from “The Third Bank of the River.”

“I said it as loud as I could, ‘Father, you have been out there long enough. You are old…Come back, you don’t have to do it anymore…Come back and I’ll go instead. Right now, if you want. Any time, I’ll get into the boat. I’ll take your place.’

And when I had said this my heart beat more firmly.

He heard me. He stood up. He maneuvered with his oars and headed the boat towards me. He had accepted my offer. And suddenly I trembled, down deep. For he had raised his arm and waved – the first time in so many, so many years. And I couldn’t…In terror, my hair on end, I fled madly.”

Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the write in these lines?

A. Allusion.***
B. Hyperbole.
C. Irony.
D. Paradox.

16. Read the following sentences from “The Day of the Butterfly” in which Myra who is hospitalized, is unwrapping gifts brought to her by her classmates.

She began to unwrap the presents, with an air that no even Glady’s could have bettered, folding the tissure paper and the ribbons, and drawing out books and puzzles and cutouts as if they were all prizes she had won. Miss Darling said that maybe she soul say thank you, and the person’s name with every gift she opened, to make sure she knew whom it was from, and so Myra said, “Thank you, Mary Louise, thank you, Carol,” and when she came to mine she said, “Thank you, Helen.”

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Myra and her classmates?

A. Admiring.
B. Cordial.
C. Formal.***
D. Warm.

21. Read the following passage from “The Pig” in which Kibuka considers what to do after his pet pig has just been accidentally hit and killed by a motorcyclist.

The idea of eating the pig had never entered Kibuka’s mind. While sitting beside the body, he had been seriously considering just whereabouts in the shamba he could bury it. Now he had opened his mouth to tell Musisi in no uncertain terms that eating one’s good friends was a practice reserved for barbarians; and then, he suddenly had a clear picture of himself struggling to dig a grave. He was no sure Kalasandans would want to help him do it. Then came the realization of the effect a perpetual reminder of his porking friend in his shamba would have on him. He did not think he could stand it. Far better, indeed, to let the past bury itself and, besides, why deprive his fellow villagers of a tasty treat? They were, after all, the people who had nourished the creature on their leftovers.

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Kibuka is angry with Musisi for suggesting that he might want to eat the pig.
B. Kibuka decides to share the meat of his pig with the people who helped him keep it.
C. Kibuka becomes aware of the fact that he does not know of a proper place to bury his pig.
D. Kibuka recognizes that he cannot bury his pig without the help of the people in his shamba.***

26. Read the following passage from “Marriage is a Private Affair.”

The old man at once felt the resolution he had built up over so many years falling in. He was telling himself that he must not give in. He tried to steel his heart against all emotional appeals. It was a re-enactment of that other struggle. He leaned against a window and looked out. The sky was overcast with heavy black clouds and a high wind began to blow filling the air with dust and dry leaves. It was one of those rare occasions when even Nature takes a hand in a human fight. Very soon if began to rain, the first rain in the year. It came down in large sharp drops and was accompanied by the lightning and thunder which marke a change of season. Okeke was trying hard not to think of his two grandsons. But he knew he was no fighting a losing battle. He tried to hum a favourite hymn but the pattering of large rain drops on the roof broke up the tune. His mind immediately returned to the children. How could he shut his door against them? By a curious mental process he imagined them standing, sad and forsaken, under the harsh angry weather-shut out from his house.

That night he hardly slept…

According to the passage, what is the most likely reason that Okeke cannot sleep?

A. He regrest that he has acted so stubbornly and has caused his grandsons to suffer.***
B. He is worried about the damage the storm will cause to his house and property.
C. He realizes that the season’s change has come to early for his crops to grow well.
D. He is angry with his daughter-in-law for the emotional appeals to see his grandsons.

28. Read this passage from “Black Girl.”

“Samba,” said the Monsieur, who had come to the kitchen, “the meal was excellent today. You outdid yourself. Madame is very please with you.

The cook’s helper stood at attention. Samba, the cook, adjusted his tall white hat and made an effort to smile.

“Thank you very much, Monsieur,” he said. “I too am happy, very happy, because Monsieur and Madame are happy. Monsieur very nice. My family big, unhappy. Monsieur leave, me no more work.

“We’ll be back, my good man. And then, with your talent you’ll soon find another job!”

Samba, the cook, wasn’t so sure. The whites were stingy. And in a Dakar filled with country people each claiming to be a master cook, it wouldn’t be easy to find a job.

Samba’s MAIN conflict is that he is

A. Upset that Monsieur is leaving Africa.
B. Afraid of returning home without a job.
C. Worried about how he will support his large family.***
D. Ashamed that he is dependent on the white’s for a job.

29. Read this sentence from “And of Clay Are We Created” in which the speaker describes the reporter, Rolf Carle.

Nothing could stop him, and I was always amazed at his equanimity in the face of danger and suffering, it seemed as if nothing could shake his fortitude or deter his curiosity.

The word equanimity suggests that Rolf Carle is

A. Composed.
B. Dedicated.
C. Focused.***
D. Persistent.

30. Read the following passage from “Forbidden Fruit” in which the main character describes a fictional scene where, despite torture, he stands by his religious principles.

At home, I slipped out of my clothes and into my bed to luxuriate in the contemplation of my sister’s apostasy. All kinds of visions rushed through my mind. He I was, a Red partisan captured by the Whites, who were forcing me to eat pork. They torture me, but I will not touch it. Surprised, the officers shake their heads; What sort of boy is this? As a matter of fact, I’m surprised myself. I just won’t eat pork. Kill me, but eat pork I will not.

Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer to create humor in these lines?

A. Hyperbole.***
B. Incongruity.
C. Irony.
D. Sarcasm.

31. Read the following passage from the beginning of “Rhinoceros.”

We were sitting outside the café, my friend Jean and I, peacefully talking about one thing and another, when we caught sight of it on the opposite pavement, huge and powerful, panting noisily, charging straight ahead and brushing against market stalls-a rhinoceros. People in the street stepped hurriedly aside to let it pas. A housewife uttered a cry of terror, her basket dropped from her hands, the wine from a broken bottled spread over the pavement, and some pedestrians, one of them an elderly man, rushed into the shops. It was all over like a flash of lightning. People emerged from their hiding places and gathered in groups which watch the rhinoceros disappear into the distance, made some comments on the incident and then dispersed.

Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer to create humor in these lines?

A. Hyperbole.
B. Incongruity.
C. Irony.***
D. Sarcasm.

User Icon for Reed Reed answered
7 years ago

A FEW questions? Please only post those you are truly unsure about. A quick glance: I disagree with your answer to #4. I agree with your answer to #s 6 & 7.

User Icon for Abby Abby answered
7 years ago

I did only have a few, and these ones are confusing me..... It is only 13/56....Can you please go through all of them?

User Icon for Ray Ray answered
6 years ago

Only 13 questions? You are insane. Sure i want some of these answers as well, but that was an insane task to ask. a few is like 1-4, not 13.

User Icon for Terrilbe Terrilbe answered
6 years ago

^ thats not helping

User Icon for Jeli Jeli answered
4 years ago

We don't need all the answers

User Icon for no no answered
4 years ago

Ray, would be nice if you actually helped :/

User Icon for hey hey answered
3 years ago

if you don't like the way she did it then bye.

User Icon for bayonetta 3 bayonetta 3 answered
2 years ago

does anyone have the answers im fr stuck rn

User Icon for per mm per mm answered
2 years ago

i do

User Icon for Peace Peace answered
2 years ago

The on I did was a 5 question test, sorry not sorry.

B. Music
A. Person vs. Self
A. Ida frequently encourages the narrator of the story.
A. Has self-esteem problems.
B. Typing as fast as I could, it still took me all day to finish the essay.

100% :p

User Icon for nezu nezu answered
2 years ago

2017 jishka answers have no chill 💀

User Icon for Yo mama Yo mama answered
2 years ago

Y’all could have been real ones and answered the questions

User Icon for ok ok answered
2 years ago

so everyone’s coming back recently😭

User Icon for Honors kid Honors kid answered
2 years ago

This was asked in 2017, this person already graduated highschool which is so funny to me

User Icon for alexander the loser alexander the loser answered
1 year ago

2022 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa