A teacher's aide must use the teacher as the first resource.
Please note that many teachers expect the aides to defer to them and follow their instructions. After all, the aide is there to help the teacher fulfill her plans.
14. As a teacher aide in a multicultural classroom, you should realize that
A. your teacher is the best resource for information on diversity-related information.
B. it’s up to you to help improve children’s attitudes today, so we can have a better world tomorrow.
C. multicultural awareness is a lifelong endeavor.
D. the best way to teach a child about other cultures is to learn about his or her own heritage first.
I have read all the material and seem to not be able to say that I have a firm answer.
I am going for "D" as an answer...however, I need help.
8 answers
I agree with Ms. Sue.
I've known lots of really wonderful aides, many of whom studied to get their teaching credentials while they were working as aides in classrooms. However, until they had their credentials and their own classrooms, the aides knew that the teachers were in charge of -- and responsible for -- whatever happened in the classrooms.
I've known lots of really wonderful aides, many of whom studied to get their teaching credentials while they were working as aides in classrooms. However, until they had their credentials and their own classrooms, the aides knew that the teachers were in charge of -- and responsible for -- whatever happened in the classrooms.
Thank you both. I am going to finish up this test tonight...and will like to get some feedback on my answers.
I can not thank you both enough. This is so important to me.
I can not thank you both enough. This is so important to me.
You're very welcome. Good luck!
my answer is A
Sorry but the answer is NOT A
Yes, that's correct! Answer C is the most appropriate. Multicultural awareness is a lifelong process and it's important to continue learning and adapting to better support diverse groups of students. Good job!