1. Mexico's economy is based largely on (2 points)

oil exports.
agriculture and livestock.**

2. Many indigenous people in Guatemala live in the mountains because (2 points)
it is the only land available to them.
the soil is very good for farming.
they don't speak Spanish.
mountain villages are easy to defend against attack.**

3. The Panama Canal cuts through (2 points)
the Andes Mountains.
the Central Plateau.
the Isthmus of Panama.**
the Atacama Desert.

4. What effect did the breakup of the Soviet Union have on Cubans? (2 points)
Food, medicine, and tools became scarce in Cuba.**
Cuba was divided into smaller territories.
The Soviet Union granted Cuba its independence.
Families in Cuba were separated.

5. Which best describes the culture of Haiti's people? (2 points)
It is mainly a Mayan culture.
It is a blend of African, European, and Caribbean cultures.**
It is mainly a Spanish culture.
It is a culture that is almost identical to that of the United States.

6. Much of Puerto Rico is made up of (2 points)
rain forests.
high plateau.
hills and mountains.**
sandy deserts.

7. Most Brazilians are descendants of which combination of ancestors? (2 points)
Mayan, Mexican, and mestizo
Native American, African, and European Portuguese, Spanish, and Incan**
Spanish, ladino, and French

8. All of the following are regions in Peru except the (2 points)
coastal plain.
ocean cliffs.**

9. How did the decline of copper prices in the 1980s affect Chile? (2 points)
It was good for Chile's economy, but it increased pollution.
It caused the government to diversify the economy.**
It caused people to move away from the cities.
It created many jobs and made almost everyone living in cities rich.

10. Where do most people in Venezuela live? (2 points)
on farms
in cities**
on oil rigs
in the southern tip of the country

32 answers

See Related Questions below.
I disagree with your answer to #2. The others appear to be correct.
Ok i just checked them out, thank you. But can you still check my answers for 8,9, and 10. In the questions below those were unclear. It would also be great if you could check all of them so that I can get your opinion rather than just Mrs. Sue's. Thanks!
Would number 2 be A?
would the correct answer to number 2 be A?
Number 1 is not agriculture and livestock
You people are acting like 3 years olds other Seriously how immature!
you guys need to get a hold of yourself if you don't you will be banned from this site and I don't want to hear any excuses. And I don't want to talk to you again.
haha, you guys got killed maybe yall shouldn't have been acting like 3-year-olds.
I told you to stop
what you going to do about it
ooooooooooooh you bout to get in trouble
your getting banned
yea ok i would like to see you try
"killerdude" is now banned from this cite.
you thought get the F*C% out of here.
wow this is hilarious
Bad boy!!! I will !!! I want u so bad it sucks that we can only talk on this website
fujck i died
Would u guys just pls be mature I have seen elementary students on here. U guys r so immature.
shook .
Lana is quaking
so what are the answers
excuse me ms. Principal wouldn't it be You're and not you. a real principal would know that for sure therefore making you a fraud. dont hate the player. hate the game
Well This is exactly what the internet is..
1. D, 2. A, 3.C, 4.A, 5.B, 6.C, 7.B, 8.C, 9.B, 10.B. I thought this was 7th grade work, yet all I see is a bunch of 3rd graders arguing over, what, who’s the best? Rather than acting like you’re still children, maybe help the people out, or just leave. We don’t need your nasty and unwanted opinions here. Sorry if I’m being extremely rude, but I guess I’d rather be that, than be an idiot.
Please also check work on the essays those are sometime the ones that are most confusing
Im bacing the hell out of killerdude damn he roasted linda alive af
Uhhh what. oh I think they removed what happened because I don't see anything I don't know why everyone's mad ._.
omg yesssssssssssssssssss
stop fighting what are the answers