1) How was the manufacturing industry in Texas affected by geographic location?
a. The Gulf Coast made shipping goods easier. **
b. The mountains created a barrier to sending goods to market.
c. The deserts made it easier to send goods overland.
d. The railroads sped shipping time.
2) Which postwar industry was the fastest growing between 1947 and 1972?
a. petrochemical manufacturing
b. electronics manufacturing**
c. heavy metal mining
d. ranching
Manufacturing grew at a rapid pace. In 1947, the state had about 7,000 manufacturing plants. By 1973, the number of Texas manufacturing plants doubled to more than 14,000. Manufacturing contributed more than $15 billion to the economy.
3) Which statement best represents how wartime jobs affected women?
a. Women were eager to return to working at home.
b. Women made new friends.
c. Women happily gave up their new jobs for returning soldiers.**
d. Women experienced the independence of working outside the home.
The World War II labor shortage had given thousands of women the opportunity to work. As a result of these new opportunities, many women continued to work after the war.
Many women participated in the booming manufacturing sector and also in agriculture, working in jobs that had previously been reserved for only men.
At the end of the war, many women were ****forced to leave their new jobs so that the returning soldiers could return to work. ****???? This doesn't sound like they were happy about it, but they did leave for returning soldiers??? Wives were probably happy to have their husbands home?
But it could be d??? since they were "forced" to leave their new jobs?
Please Help
25 answers
While oil and petrochemical production dominated the manufacturing sector, another new industry quickly developed. Electronics manufacturing was the fastest-growing industry in Texas between 1947 and 1972. The sector included televisions, radios, record players, and military equipment.
Wouldn't this make the answer to #2 be right???
2) Which postwar industry was the fastest growing between 1947 and 1972?
a. petrochemical manufacturing
b. electronics manufacturing**
c. heavy metal mining
d. ranching
2 is B
3 is D
They are correct!
Thank you smart person
and it was a 100 btw
I got a 1/3
so if you're going to use ADB don't
its ABD.