1. Convert 4.0 kilometers (km) to meters (m). (1 point)

0.04 m
40 m
400 m
4,000 m
2. For his science project, Austin wants to determine if the pH of standing rainwater changes
over time. He collects a jar of rainwater and places it indoors in a spot that does not
receive a lot of sunlight to limit evaporation. Using a pH testing kit, he measures the pH of
the water once a day for 20 days.
What is the independent, or manipulated, variable in Austin’s experiment?
(1 point)
the number of days the rainwater is allowed to sit
the number of times the rainwater is observed
the change in the amount of rainwater due to evaporation
the change in pH of the rainwater over time
3. The growth of a certain plant was measured over a period of more than a month. How
many centimeters did the plant grow between day 10 and day 30?
(1 point)
0.5 cm
1.0 cm
1.5 cm
2 cm
4. How is a scientific theory different from a hypothesis? (1 point)
A theory is an explanation of a single phenomenon; a hypothesis is a question that can be tested.
A theory is a well-tested explanation; a hypothesis is a possible answer that needs to be tested.
A theory and a hypothesis are both educated guesses, but a hypothesis is not proven.
A theory explains a scientific law; a hypothesis explains a theory.
5. Which of the following would introduce bias into an experiment? (1 point)
publishing your experimental results in a scientific journal
allowing other scientists to repeat and verify your experimental results
using a computer to record and store your data
discarding data that does not fit with your personal expectations
6. Which of the following questions is outside the scope of science? (1 point)
How are religion and philosophy different?
What is the diet of the American alligator?
How do humans digest protein?
How does gravity affect an airplane’s motion?
7. Which of the following statements is true about scientific inquiry? (1 point)
All scientists use the same method of scientific inquiry.
Scientific inquiry includes one scientific method.
Scientific inquiry is an ongoing and repetitive process.
Scientists try to avoid using scientific inquiry.
8. Which of the following is something a scientist might do to practice science safety? (1 point)
Perform safety inspections.
Wear open-toed shoes.
Reuse unwashed glassware.
Keep a messy work station.
9. Which of the following is an observation you can make by looking at the image? (1 point)
One lion is running away from the other lion.
The lions are from the same pride.
Both lions are hunting prey.
One lion's tail is raised higher than the other lion's tail.
10. Creating a prototype and troubleshooting are steps in the development of (1 point)
a new scientific theory.
a new experiment.
a new scientific law.
a new technology.
11. Several studies linking cigarette smoke to health problems have resulted in the banning of
smoking in many public places. This is an example of
(1 point)
ways scientific theories become scientific laws.
ways scientists communicate results.
ways science influences society.
ways scientific hypotheses are tested.
12. Which of the following is an example of a model? (1 point)
the solar system
a globe
a planet
a padlock
True or False
13. Scientific inquiry incorporates many scientific methods. (1 point)
Use the word bank below to answer the questions that follow:
ethics predicting risk-benefit analysis
control inference independent
evidence opinion patent
constraints trade-off literacy
constant dependent prototype
Fill in the Blank
14. The ____________ variable responds to changes in the manipulated variable.
(1 point)
15. A(n) ____________ occurs during the design process when one benefit is given up in order
to obtain another.
(1 point)
16. A(n) ____________ is a legal document issued by a government that gives an inventor
exclusive rights to make, use, or sell an invention for a limited time.
(1 point)
17. A belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something is called a(n) __________.
(1 point)
18. Factors that limit a technological design are called ____________.
(1 point)
19. Factors in an experiment that remain the same are called ____________ variables.
(1 point)
20. Scientific ____________ involves the knowledge and understanding necessary for
evaluating information, making personal decisions, and taking part in public affairs.
(1 point)
21. Evaluating the possible problems of a technology compared to the expected advantages is
known as a(n)____________.
(1 point)
22. The process of forecasting what will happen in the future based on past experience or
evidence is called ____________.
(1 point)
23. Honestly reporting experimental findings is an example of using good ____________.
(1 point)
Short Answer

24. Explain why science is a continuous progression of study.
(5 points)
25. Why is the use of the inquiry process a practical way to approach science?
(5 point

62 answers

How would you like us to help you with this test?
please give me the anwser i need it done asap. this is my last test and i don't want to mess it up
Consider it messed up.

I certainly don't have enough time to do it before 10:00.

Also -- we do not cheat!

Evidently, not only didn't you study for this test, you also didn't read this admonition before you posted here.

Homework Posting Tips

Please show your work. Tutors will not do your homework for you. Please show your work for any question that you are posting.
I need help
you want all the awsners
yes plzzzzzzzzzz
5.B or A

i need help with the rest please help
Look everyone, I hate to be rude here but . . .Ms. Sue has a point, Tutors can help you FIGURE OUT how to SOLVE the problem. They won't do it for you :/
Hey, Blob the answer to number one is 4000.
in Pre-Algreba do you HAVE
Hey Kayla and Joey that is coredt i took the test ,
Can some one answer 14-23 plz
is appels right
5 is D
what is answers 13 - 25
Bruh. If you want a collage career or a good job. Get the heck of this website and do your own work. Fine by me though if you want to be a lazy but whole that looks for answers all day to shove in others faces and turns out those answers aren't even your own. I'm only on this website, To get my morning laugh. Like. It's kind of, funny to see all these lower grade level kids want answers from smarter kids that work hard. Like. Smh..
Not to be rude but, DO YOU OWN WORK!! Because, In the end you don't feel guilty of cheating. You also. Will get the feeling of happiness. Because, You just did your best on this Quiz, Knowing it was al your work, An you tried your best.
I am just making sure my answers are correct
13 is
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. True
14. dependent
15. trade-off
16. patent
17. opinion
18. contraints
19. constant
20. literacy
21. risk-benefit analysis
22. predicting
23. ethics
24 and 25 - short answer
Megan is correct! Thank you so much! 100%
thank u so much
@:P You're saying get off of this website and do your own work while you're on this website. Not to sound rude but you're acting hypocritically. I do agree with you it's good to do your own work and solve problems by yourself and NOT CHEAT, but you cannot prove that point if you're on this website yourself.
hey everyone make sure u at least get 1 wrong so the teachers dont think u r cheating even though we all are btw thanks megan
thanks megan also just because its cheating doesn't mean you need to be mean about it
mehh im the first one to say something here in 2019 whoop whoop =_= its so cooool,..........ima go watch gachaaaaaaaaaaaa bai and the answer is wut they said XD
bruh why did i say that ,thats cringe ew XD im not that obsessed abt gacha btw lol anyway welp
1. is A
Thx @Megan!!!
@Megan! You're ze best. UwU thank chu!! OwO
Thanks so much Megan lol
Thanks Jishka! This isn't cheating if you're only checking answers right? But I needed it.
Is every one here from connections?
apples is all wrong I did it and half of all his answers are all wrong so DONT trust apples.
Ms. Sue can just eat it.
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. True
14. dependent
15. trade-off
16. patent
17. opinion
18. constraints
19. constant
20. literacy
21. risk-benefit analysis
22. predicting
23. ethics
ms sue can you please tell me if i'm right
Sk8ter gal is 100% right
who else in 2019 lol omg meag such a help sorry if said your name wrong appreciate the help bye fam
Waisting all those words for nothin. :(

thx Sk8ter girl 100%
wow first 2020 uwu
hey quit being rude your not no better were all kids and yeah we don't need to cheat but hey im sure you have cheated in your life and I am with Ms.Sue shes right also we shouldn't give them all the answers we should work them out together like regular kids and also it dosent give you the right to use profane language

🍑Steven Bell Pepper
To: all of you
I 100% agree with Steven Bell Pepper. also..... thanks megan.
I AM A GIRL!!!!***********(just thought you should know) so now nobody has a reason to call me a DUDE!!!

bye bye- groot
what is the number 5 plz i need help NOW HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Weaklings come here to cheat. Cool people come here to CHECK their answers and get help with solving the problem. Confident people don't come here.
Bohemian rhapsody so you a weakling cause you came here stupid
Bohemian Rhapsody is AWESOME!
thx so much megan!!
if people are telling others here to do there own work then why are they here?
hi i want to see if anyone can check my work im scared to submit and then i get a bad score i just need one checked the others im fine with =_=

13. true....

if you view this and respond thanks
megans answers are still correct
I also agree with Perfect score
yay I have so many different names
I love how everyone only starts telling this person to do their own work when one person says it. And don’t worry, I already know everyone who even views this site has thought about cheating, or already has before. You’re not hidden, but I won’t expose your hiding spot.. You’re not a saint for not cheating, and we get that it’s wrong. A lot of the kids who use sites like Jishka and brainly use them because half of the time our schools do NOT prepare us for some of these questions. In this subject, Science, I did not receive of psychical textbook from my school. You scrape whatever info they give you out of the online slides and make do with that. And don’t call someone out of their name and “get a good laugh” just because they need help and you don’t. You sound like a jerk.
Also thanks I really needed this help.
I also 100% agree with @A mildly agitated person.
Wait is Megan right for 2021??
I’m trying to check my answers but I don’t know if it’s still right
24. Science is a continuous progression of study because science experiments have to be repeated in order to prove the already existing answers. There are always new things that are found just because a scientist was curious enough to continue someone elses work. Science doesnt always have the exact answers to things, so the answers that are already available are the best fit. As new things are found, the already existing answers are upgraded and improved for a better fit.

pls change ur answers a bit if ur using this one so no one gets caught stay safe peeps<3
Sk8ter gal is correct 2021 thank you
I need the 5 question one