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Questions and answers by
Stevie Nicks Best
Questions (1)
Is it legal to staple a live rat to my wall / have a pet badger?
4 answers
Answers (24)
Also do you know of any legal loop holes that would allow me to do that? scientist get to literally drown dogs for "ThE saKe OF ScIeNTs".
So I think so*
across two generations my family owns about 500 acers of land sad I think so.
@alone U said YOLO got one wrong and then put the same answers they put.
Rawr is correct, thank you.
it is correct ty
it has the answer on the first slide of the lesson "dendrite – part of the neuron that carries information to the cell body" ur welcome
He's Right
The furry was wrong #4 is Genetic information is passed down from two parents, who each have two parents.
Stop! we get it you're bored but you don't have to make that our problem
ms sue is dead burn in h3ll to those that speak ill of the dead
She died in 2019
Ms Sue is dead
(-)___(-) I see you
Ms sue is dead Idiot
First of all fake WriteTeacher second of all there jobs are not to give you the answer they are supposed to check your answers third of all how are you so bored that you impersonate people just to receive attention.
Stevie Nicks Best
@STAYTINY if you did the thing u should be able to see the right answers.
Animalla i think
girlkitkat is right anonymous is lying to make you get it wrong.
Dog is right i got 100% Stevie Nicks best look her up on yt