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Questions (11)
a bouncy ball rebounds to 90% of the height of the preceding bounce. jason drops a bouncy ball from initial height of 25 feet
1 answer
how do I write the expression and then solve it
four square dived by two square?
1 answer
How many grams of each substance are needed to prepare th e following solutions?
50.0 ml of 8.0%(w/v)KCL
0 answers
I already asked this and was given an answer, but I don't fully understand it and so would like a further explanation.
What I
5 answers
An electron is accelerated through a uniform electric field of magnitude 2.5x10^2 N/C with an initial speed of 1.2x10^6 m/s
5 answers
An electron is accelerated through a uniform electric field of magnitude 2.5x10^2 N/C with an initial speed of 1.2x10^6 m/s
2 answers
Particle A has a mass of 2 and a charge of -1. Particle B has a mass of 2 and a charge of +1. Are particle A and B necessarily
2 answers
Particle A has a mass of 2 and a charge of -1. Particle B has a mass of 2 and a charge of +1. Are particle A and B necessarily
1 answer
What particles are made with two quarks, and what restrictions are there on the two quarks in it? I'm pretty sure it's mesons,
1 answer
calculate the escape velocity for the following; assume a launch from the surface. A space probe leaving the moon to come back
3 answers
I have a diagram of a roller coaster. It starts at a height of 100m where the v=0, it then drops completely to the ground and
5 answers
Answers (15)
Oh okay, thank you, now I get the correct answer for c, but b is still not working out, could you please help me with that?
please, I honestly keep trying to look at the problem from different points of view, but nothing is working out; I'm running out of ideas as to how I can approach and still, I'm not getting the right answer or understanding drwls' answers...
Please, I've been trying to solve this problem for hours and I still can't get the correct answer, I would really appreciate some more help with this.
Won't the kinetic energies for question b and c be the same?
Also, is there a final kinetic energy? I'm just really confused by this...
Oh, and what do you mean by 'x'?
Should the answer for B be 1.5x10^6 m/s because my book says it's wrong...
Please, please, please, this is the first question of many and I don't get it.
thank you! :)
Which tense are you supposed to be using?
oh okay, thank you very much. :)
Also, I think I've found the first velocity, but would I disregard that when finding the velocity at point B?
I tried doing that; can you please explain. Wait, so, would the first velocity be mgh=1/2mv^2 and then I take away the m's?
I have purchased a thrift item...a bronze or brass, styalilzed, shaped bracelet, marked with an anchor with the letters S C on either side of the anchor shank. There is not ring on the top of the anchor. There are hooks on the tips of the anchor.
I have purchased a thrift item...a bronze or brass, styalilzed, shaped bracelet, marked with an anchor with the letters S C on either of the anchor shank. There is not ring on the top of the anchor. There are hooks on the tips of the anchor.