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Questions (17)
1) a priest who brought Christianity to Ireland 2) a separation of the two most important branches of Christianity 3)
4 answers
are Dean Koontz books appropriate for 12 year olds?- even if he/she is an advanced reader that read college book?
3 answers
which of the following would translate a segment 5 units to
the left and 8 units up? a)-5 -5 and 8 8, b) -2 -4, c) -5 8 and d) -5
3 answers
What is a good mystery fiction book for adults (college level or adult)?
6 answers
My fear:
I'm sitting out here hoping and moping If only the rain Got rid of the pain And me being here would get rid of my fear
5 answers
What does a spectator do? thx for any and all help ☺☻♥♦☻☺
3 answers
Yow do you get super glue off your skin? I was doi9ng a project and it is stuck to my fingers. My step-sister is typing this
6 answers
In a mystery story, the conflict is given a new name. What is it? Climax, Resolution, Problem, or All of the above?
My choice is
3 answers
1. when he roman government began to persecute Christians
under Nero, a) Christianity almost disappeared b) Christians had to
11 answers
Why did Christian church come to be ruled by hierarchy?
Any and all help is appreciated. ☺♦☻
4 answers
Are there any good literacy sites?
5 answers
Why were the Christians persecuted by the Romans? At first I thought it was because they didn't believe in God. But then I had
5 answers
To the Romans, what was appealing about Christianity? What did they like about the teachings?
Why were the Christians persecuted
8 answers
What is the difference between the old and new testament of the Holy Bible?
2 answers
is anybody a christian on here? if so what are some of the things christians do that are different than other religions. I'd
5 answers
I have to write a 5 page essay over a television show. DO you know any interesting shows. I can write it over the whole season.
3 answers
wat is/who is apostle
2 answers
Answers (59)
answer cjoices for 4, 9, and 10. 4) a. religious icons, b. governments, c. religious laws, d. beliefs or intuition 9)a. were very secular, b. never went to church, c. loved to talk about religion d. agreed about the use of icons 10) a. once forbidden, b.
Yes for the most part. Kids like to get awards. Tens do, heck my parent do. But, to be honest some kids get their parent to give them rewards before, but they never do what they are supposed to do.
thanks. btw: my mom said it is gruesome, but okay 'cuz i write books worse than those.
A = b * h 224 = 16 * h 224/16 = h 24 = h
just wondering.
Some. Not much, but some.
Formulas for a Triangle perimeter- a + b + c semiperimeter- a + b + c ÷ 2 area- base • height ÷ 2 base- 2 • area ÷ height height- 2 • area ÷ base h= 2 • 245² in ÷ 14 inches = 35
I always do- since I am a poet after all. ☺♦☻
Thank you so very much Ms. Sue!!!!!!!1
Formulas for a Triangle perimeter- a + b + c semi perimeter- a + b + c ÷ 2 area- base • height ÷ 2 base- 2 • area ÷ height height- 2 • area ÷ base h= 2 • 245² in ÷ 14 inches = 35
no, your not dumb-you were confused.
scratch that. "angle 1 equals 3x and measure of angle 3 equals (7x-40)." angle 1- 3•x angle 3- 7•x-40 use the x in angle 3 and multiply it by 3.
i kno what you mean. i think it means multiply the measure of angle two by 3.
okay...... give me a sec. i had a question like this a few weeks ago. bjut im in the 6th do it may be hard for me to try and explain
what grade is this?
When I went to (name of place) I had very much fun. On the first day I went (name of place,) it has many pictures and I enjoyed that place. I think I might want to go back once or twice. And then my friends and I went to eat at (name of place) and then we
give me 5 things you did with 3 details each.
Thanks. I get them in the school blog, but my problem is I don't know if these are good enough...
Thanks to all who read.... I meant "How" not "Hiow" sorry.
thx Ms. Sue.
IR = ($96 * 60 - $4800) / 5 / $4800 * 100% = 4%
oh, i may be able to help. Im learning this right now ubt i'm in the 6th. give me a sec and i can try.
Sorry, it wasn't supposed to change my name.
When it goes in it is 1, comes out it is 7- that is add 6. The next is add 7, then add 8, then add 9, and so on.
Okay. SOrry to be a bother Ms. Sue I just didn't know what to do. thank you. ☻♦☻
Okay. I just wanted to be 100% sure. Thank you Very Much, Ms. Sue
Thank You so very, very much Ms. Sue. ☺♦☻
tell me how u do ☺♦☻
Thank You very much Ms. Sue
thank you Ms. SUe
A site(s) that you can get examples of writing- poetry, short stories, etc.
Copy & Paste I copied and pasted this off of another site. "It is important to remember that van der Waals' forces are forces that exist between MOLECULES of the same substance. They are quite different from the forces that make up the molecule. For
Oh.... Thank you so so so, much Ms. Sue. ☺♦☻
Ask your teacher nicely, or borrow a friends and write the questions. Answer them yourself.
Thank You both...... how old are you? ☺♦☻
The related questions have the answer to help you. ☺♦☻
Add or subtract 5, for every 5 year difference
Yeah. It sounds really good. ☺♦☻
Thank you, Benji. ☺♦☻
Okay...... sorry if I made you all mad.... ☺
Occasionally they give us a paragraph over each topic. "Nevertheless, Aurelius made his contribution to something other than the better society that he believed in. He passed power to his son, Commodus, which began Rome on a path of ruin. Commodus was not
wats ur idea?
I do not have a book- I am homeschooled wont work?? that sux. its online notepad and you can tell me about it on there.
thank you Ms. Sue ☺♦☻
Thank You..... ☺♦☻
how does that sound above????if you give me a few sentences about radon and what hapens from what U kno, i can write you a sample paragraph.