write each fraction as percent

  1. 1.Write 95.6 as a decimal. 9.56 0.956 956 0.0956 2.write 16/75 as a percent. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a
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    2. Airheadz asked by Airheadz
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  2. which percent is indicated by the shaded area of the grid below1. 41% write 15% as a decimal 2. 0.15 Write 5.6 as a percent 3.
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    2. guy asked by guy
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  3. 1. Write the fraction eight-ninths as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary. (1 point)88.89%
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    2. helpppppp asked by helpppppp
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  4. Can someone correct them5) Write fraction as a percent 7/8 My answer: 0.875=87 1/2% 6)Write each decmal as a percent 0.008 My
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    2. Jasmine 20 asked by Jasmine 20
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  5. CHECK AND CORRECT MY ANSWERS PLEASE!! ASAP!! THANKS!!xxWrite the fraction 5/6 as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a
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  6. 1) Write the fraction 5/9 as a percent.Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary.2)Write the decimal 0.079 as
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    2. luz, please answer =) asked by luz, please answer =)
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  7. 1. Write the fraction 8/9 as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary.88.89% 1.13% 44.44% 66.67%
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    2. Cami asked by Cami
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  8. 1. Write the fraction five-sixths as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary.33.33% 66.67% 83.33%
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    2. Princess Anna asked by Princess Anna
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  9. Write the decimal as a percent: 0.34. Write the decimal as a percent: 5.16 5. Write the percent as a decimal: 61% 6. Order from
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    2. lynn asked by lynn
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  10. 1. Write the fraction 8/9 as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where necessary.A. 88.89% B. 1.13% C. 44.44%
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    2. Check Please asked by Check Please
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