william counted the legs on

  1. william counted the legs on a centipede he told max if you multiply the number of legs by 2 and divide by 7 you get 8 how many
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    2. keith ryan asked by keith ryan
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  2. A farmer counted the number of cows and chickens by counting heads and legs. If he counted 35 heads and 78 legs, how many cows
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. In a farm ,there are some goats and some chickens. Paul counted 45 heads while Julie counted 150 legs.How many goats and chicken
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    2. Rameen asked by Rameen
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  4. Sondra has a lot of cats (witch have four legs )and a lot of parakeet (witch have two legs)among her pets she counted 57 heads
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    2. Julia asked by Julia
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  5. tinku is fond of collecting spiders and insects. He knows spiders have 8 legs and insects have 6 legs. he counted 36 legs. How
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    2. Harshita asked by Harshita
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  6. a number which is less than or equal to 150 butif counted in pairs, one will remain if counted in threes, two will remain if
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    2. kala asked by kala
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  7. A farmer kept track of his cows and chickens by counting both the legs and the heads, if he counted 78 legs and 35 heads, how
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    2. Mark asked by Mark
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  8. spider and ants after John counted the legs and heads were 68 legs and 10 heads.a. how many spiders were there? b. how many ants
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    2. Kiki asked by Kiki
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  9. There are 41 animals on a farm with only pigs and chickens. If there are 100 legs counted together, how many of each animal are
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    2. Asees asked by Asees
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  10. What do the sheep begin chanting to suppress any protest from the animals?"Two legs are evil!" "Beware of four legs!" "Four legs
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    2. Asiya Omar asked by Asiya Omar
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