when a ball falls vertically

  1. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 20 m/s from the ground. The ball moves without resistance. First, find the
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    2. George asked by George
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  2. A solid rubber ball has a diameter of 8.0 cm. It is released from rest with the top of the ball 80 cm above a horizontal
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    2. Jeevan asked by Jeevan
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  3. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the edge of a bridge 29.0 m high with an initial speed of 20.0 m/s. The ball falls all
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    2. Neal parikh asked by Neal parikh
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  4. A ball of mass 1.20kg falls vertically and hits a horizontal floor at 2.50m/s . The ball then rebounds upward at 10.00m/s . If
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
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  5. A super bouncy ball is thrown 25 m into the air the ball falls rebounds to 70% of the height of the previous balance and falls
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    2. Ushva asked by Ushva
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  6. a ball falls vertically onto a floor , with momentum p,and then bounces repeatedly.the co-efficient of restitution is e.the
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    2. srikala asked by srikala
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  7. A ball is thrown 16 m into the air. The ball falls, rebounds to half its previous height, and falls again. If the ball continues
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    2. Han asked by Han
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  8. a spring loaded "cannon" on a wheeled car fires a metal ball vertically. the car is given a push and set in motion horizontally
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    2. melissa asked by melissa
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  9. Consider a ball thrown vertically. Taking air resistance into account, would you expect the time during which the ball rises to
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    2. PhysicsBoi asked by PhysicsBoi
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  10. Limo kicks a ball vertically upwards from 1m above the ground at 18m/s. It rises to its highest point and then falls down, just
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    2. Sally asked by Sally
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