what is the fibonacci sequence

  1. Like the Fibonacci sequence, a certain sequence satisfies the recurrence relation an=an−1+an−2. Unlike the Fibonacci
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    2. Daniel asked by Daniel
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  2. One interesting property of a Fibonacci sequence is that the ratio of the values of adjacent members of the sequence approach a
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    2. George asked by George
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  3. Recall that the Fibonacci sequence {fn} is defined as follows: f1 = f2 = 1, andFn = fn−2 + fn−1, for n ≥ 3. to determine
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    2. william asked by william
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  4. The Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... starts with two 1s, and each term afterwards is the sum of its two
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    2. AMT asked by AMT
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  5. Find three examples of the Fibonacci sequence in nature. Write a paragraph for each example. For each example, address the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  6. F25= 75,025 and F26= 121,393 where Fn is the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence. Find F27.I do not understand the Fibonacci
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    2. Punkie asked by Punkie
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  7. A sequence of numbers is called a Fibonacci-type sequence if each number (after for the first two) is the sum of the two numbers
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    2. Lexmo asked by Lexmo
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  8. I am doing a math project on Leonardo Fibonacci, the creator of the Fibonacci's Sequence. I was wondering if someone could
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    2. trixie asked by trixie
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  9. Which of the following can also be written as a recursive sequence?Select all that apply. arithmetic sequence geometric sequence
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    2. What are you asked by What are you
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  10. There is no function equation for the Fibonacci numbers, you have to use a Recursion formula.F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) for n>2 and
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    2. Reiny asked by Reiny
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