using the squeeze theorem, find

  1. It is known that x 2 + 4x ≤ f(x) ≤ -x 2 -4x the interval [-4, 0]. Use the Squeeze Theorem to evaluate the limit as x
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    2. ashley asked by ashley
    3. views icon 532 views
  2. Suppose that f(x) is bounded: that is, there exists a constant M such that abs(f(x)) is < or equal to M for all x. Use the
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    2. Nayyab asked by Nayyab
    3. views icon 599 views
  3. using the squeeze theorem, find the limit as x->0 of x*e^[8sin(1/x)]what i did was: -1<=sin(1/x)<=1 -8<=8*sin(1/x)<=8
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    2. Lid asked by Lid
    3. views icon 670 views
  4. Find the lim x->infinite (x/[3x+5]) where [] denotes the greatest integer function use the squeeze theorem.
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    2. jeff asked by jeff
    3. views icon 615 views
  5. 1.) Find the equation of the line that is tangent to the graph of y-y^3 at x=1.2.) lim x->0 ((sin x*cos 2x)/3x) 3.) Show, using
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    2. Amber asked by Amber
    3. views icon 524 views
  6. Lim sin2h sin3h / h^2h-->0 how would you do this ?? i got 6 as the answer, just want to make sure it's right. and i couldn't get
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    2. Jake asked by Jake
    3. views icon 777 views
  7. I'm supposed to find the limit as x approaches infinity of (2-x-sinx)/(x+cosx). I've thought about using the squeeze theorem,
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. Will asked by Will
    3. views icon 471 views
  8. If 2x-2¡Üf(x)¡Üx^2-2x+2, determinelimx-->2f(x)= (Use squeeze theorem)
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    2. Penny asked by Penny
    3. views icon 437 views
  9. (lim x --> +inf) of (x^2 - [[x^2]])/2using Squeeze theorem only thank you so much in advance! its for my midterm tonight!
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    2. cameron asked by cameron
    3. views icon 398 views
  10. Can you please help me get the solution to this limit without using squeeze theorem and l'hopitals rulelim x to 0 of x^3
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    2. Liv asked by Liv
    3. views icon 484 views