microwave list price $324.00 series

  1. microwavelist price $324.00 series discount 20,10 How would you find TRADE DISCOUNT and NET PRICE?
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    2. wendy asked by wendy
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  2. Kelly Melcher Furnishings made purchases at a net cost of 36,458.00 after a series discountof 20/20/10. Find the list price.let
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    2. Janean asked by Janean
    3. views icon 668 views
  3. One manufacturer needs to calculate the net price of an order with a list price of $300 and a trade discount series of 12/9/5.
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    2. Tito asked by Tito
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  4. One manufacturer needs to calculate the net price of an order with a list price of ​$800 and a trade discount series of
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    2. CC asked by CC
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  5. One manufacturer needs to calculate the net price of an order with a list price of ​$700 and a trade discount series of
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    2. Julia asked by Julia
    3. views icon 726 views
  6. One manufacturer needs to calculate the net price of an order with a list price of $700 and a trade discount series of 11/9/6
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    2. Julia asked by Julia
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  7. a large container holding 340g of water, initially 14°C is placed in a microwave oven. the magnetron in the microwave oven can
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    2. Rodney asked by Rodney
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  8. A retailer wants to sell an item that costs $18 at a list price that will provide a 25% markup on the selling price and give the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. T. asked by T.
    3. views icon 492 views
  9. 18. Consider the following two price index series:1996 = 100 2000 110 2001 112 2002 120 2003 128 2004 130 2005 = 100 2004 93
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    2. views icon 58 views
  10. The instructions on a box of microwave popcorn are as follows: Center bag on turntable of microwave. Set power on high for three
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    2. KirbyLove asked by KirbyLove
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