if you apply 500N to

  1. a skydiver who weighs 500N reaches terminal velocity of 90 km/h. the air resistence on the diver is then...a)90N b)250N c)410N
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    2. katella asked by katella
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  2. if the force which propels the cannonball forward is 500 n, how much force will move the cannon backward?I assume -500n because
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    2. britney asked by britney
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  3. If we apply a force of 500N to a body of 6.6lb what Is the acceleration consider there Is not friction
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    2. Carlos asked by Carlos
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  4. BonjourIf we have a young man who weigh's 1000 N and another one weighs 500N on a seesaw They have the same distance apart which
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    2. Kaffirlily asked by Kaffirlily
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  5. The coefficient of friction sliding on wood is 0.30. The force needed to slide a wooden block weighing 500N across a horizontal
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    2. Buck asked by Buck
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  6. A 70kg man jumps 1.00 meters down onto a concrete walkway. His downward motion stops in 0.02 seconds. If he forgets to bend his
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    2. Omari asked by Omari
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  7. It is found necessary to apply an effort of 500N through a distance of 5m in order to raise a mass of 200kg through a height of
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    2. Ebube asked by Ebube
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  8. The 235-kg cart in the figure starts from rest and rolls with negligible friction. It is pulled by three ropes as shown. It
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    2. ashyLerry asked by ashyLerry
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  9. A different scaffold that weighs 500N supports two painters, one 500 N and the other 500N . The reading in the left scale is
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  10. A different scaffold that weighs 500N supports two painters, one 500 N and the other 500N . The reading in the left scale is
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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