how many 7-digit phone numbers

  1. a 7 digit phone number has a 3 digit prefix followed by 4 many different phone numbers are possible??
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    2. angela asked by angela
    3. views icon 483 views
  2. how many 7-digit phone numbers are possible if the first digit must be non-zero? answer in scientific notation.
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    2. mychelle asked by mychelle
    3. views icon 524 views
  3. When a telephone exchange is established, there are 10,000 new phone numbersto use(i.e. 722-0000 to 722-9999). Of these 10,000
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    2. Steve asked by Steve
    3. views icon 405 views
  4. how many 7 digit phone numbers are possible if the first digit cannot be 0 and the other digits can each be any number from 0
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    2. views icon 13 views
  5. How many different seven digit phone numbers are available if the only restriction is that the first digit cannot be 0.
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    2. Matt asked by Matt
    3. views icon 378 views
  6. Find the number of five digit numbers less than 40,000 in which the 33 digit numbers formed by consecutive digits are all
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    2. views icon 40 views
  7. How many phone numbers can be made if all the digits (that is, 10 digits) need to be filled in and any single digit number (0-9)
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    2. anonymous asked by anonymous
    3. views icon 670 views
  8. Local phone numbers consist of seven numerals, the first three of which are common to many users. A small town's phone numbers
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    2. views icon 128 views
  9. the hundred thousands digit of a six-digit even numbers is 3 more than the thousand digit,which is twice the ones digit.give at
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    2. louie asked by louie
    3. views icon 672 views
  10. Find the sum of all 3-digit positive numbers N that satisfy the condition that the digit sum of N is 3 times the digit sum of
    1. answers icon 5 answers
    2. rohit asked by rohit
    3. views icon 1,389 views