could you mind answering the

  1. hm..I was wonderingIf someone (cough* me) makes mistakes in answering questions, should they bother answering anything at all?
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. ~christina~ asked by ~christina~
    3. views icon 668 views
  2. Let's find out how Parents' Day is different from country to country, and let's learn the expressions related to congratulation
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. John asked by John
    3. views icon 589 views
  3. By constructing basic electric circuits, you will be able to measure current flow. With Ohm’s law in mind, what broad question
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 11 views
  4. Sorry Ms.Sue but I have a question on the previous answer you gave me and I hope you don't mind answering it,thanks.Earlier you
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. Shadow asked by Shadow
    3. views icon 549 views
  5. I am having a bit of trouble answering this question.... DO you mind giving a brief explanation of what it means and, if
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Martha asked by Martha
    3. views icon 509 views
  6. If you are not currently aware of something, but you can make it conscious by focusing on it, you may assume that information
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. ourania asked by ourania
    3. views icon 762 views
  7. I have another question that I hope you don't mind answering its -Patricia owned so many posters that she decided to sell 77 of
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. Abigail asked by Abigail
    3. views icon 1,125 views
  8. I urgently need your help to find the proper words. Thank you.1) Thank you very much for answering my email. I hope you don't
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Henry2 asked by Henry2
    3. views icon 997 views
  9. could you mind answering the following sentences and tell me which expression is grammatically proved to be correct or both in
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. R S Telagathoty asked by R S Telagathoty
    3. views icon 449 views
  10. You will need a 250-to-300-word sample article from you answering one of the prompts that we provide. Please keep in mind that
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 71 views