a solution containing 100g of

  1. what temperature would each of the following solubility be observed?a. 50g KCL in 100g H2O b. 100g NaNO3 in 100g H2O c. 60g KNO3
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    2. Kirby asked by Kirby
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  2. The solubility of copper(ii) tetraoxosulphate vi at 85°c is 60g in 100g and at 15°c is 18.8g in 100g. if 120g of solution
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    2. Joy asked by Joy
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  3. Hi, my question is:"Classify each of the following as saturated, supersaturated, or unsaturated: KNO3 90g/100g at 82*C NaCl
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    2. Waleed asked by Waleed
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  4. In a 100g sample of water, determine the amount of weight thatis attributed to Hydrogen and to Oxygen. i found the mass ratio
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    2. lisa asked by lisa
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  5. In a 100g sample of water, determine the amount of weight thatis attributed to Hydrogen and to Oxygen. i found the mass ratio
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    2. lisa asked by lisa
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  6. during the experiment, the students were asked to prepare a 10% (mass/mass) solution of sugar in water . ramesh dissolved 10g of
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    2. irsha asked by irsha
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  7. Sodium chloride salt (NaCl) has a solubility coefficient equal to 55g/100g of water at 25 ° C. If we add 15g of salt to 100g of
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    2. damon asked by damon
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  8. Given: solubility (g/100g H2O)temp degrees celcius KBR 20 65 40 80 60 90 80 100 100 110 A solution containing 10.5g of KBr in
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    2. Curlyqty asked by Curlyqty
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  9. How many moles of NAOCl are there in 3mL of bleach solution. The density of the solution is 1.005g bleach soln/mL and it is
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    2. amy asked by amy
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  10. You have a 35.5 g of a saturated solution of potassium nitrate at 80oC which you cool to40oC, what mass of potassium nitrate
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    2. Michelle asked by Michelle
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