Why do objects illuminated by

  1. Why do objects illuminated by moonlight lack color?
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    2. Nikki asked by Nikki
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  2. Why were they called illuminated?* because they were beautiful because the gold leaf reflected the light and made the letters
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    2. views icon 36 views
  3. Please can someone show me how to go about this problem? The X-Y plane is illuminated by an electric field of strenght given as
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    2. jay asked by jay
    3. views icon 477 views
  4. Please can someone show me how to go about this problem? The X-Y plane is illuminated by an electric field of strenght given as
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    2. jay asked by jay
    3. views icon 406 views
  5. Why were illuminated letters included in manuscripts in the middle ages?* to help people who couldn't read understand what it
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    2. views icon 88 views
  6. Illuminated letters sent a visual message that communicated the content of the text. Which portion of the fifteenth-century
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    2. views icon 76 views
  7. Illuminated letters sent a visual message that communicated the content of the text. Which portion of the fifteenth-century
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    2. Amy asked by Amy
    3. views icon 1,232 views
  8. 7. Illuminated letters sent a visual message that communicated the content of the text. Which portion of the fifteent-century
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    2. rstaats88 asked by rstaats88
    3. views icon 183 views
  9. Illuminated letters sent a visual message that communicated the content of the text which portion of the 15th century population
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    2. Marysol asked by Marysol
    3. views icon 68 views
  10. Illuminated letters send a visual message that communicated the content of the text. Which portion of the fifteenth-century
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    2. views icon 49 views