There is a wind blowing

  1. An airplane traveling east at a speed of 270 km/h encounters a wind of 75 km/h what is the resulting speed of the plane if:- The
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    2. Jamika asked by Jamika
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  2. A planes actual resulting ground speed and direction are 550 mph and N26E. A wind is blowing from the northeast. If the pilot is
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    2. John asked by John
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  3. Paul threw a paper plane towards the west. The windhowever caused the plane to move in a southwestern direction Which statement
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    2. a asked by a
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  4. A planes actual resulting ground speed and direction are 550 mph and N26E. A wind is blowing from the northeast. If the pilot is
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    2. John asked by John
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  5. Which of the following is the largest disadvantage of wind power?Wind machines destroy the natural beauty of the environment.
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  6. When running a sprint, the racers may be aided or slowed by the wind. The wind assistance is a measure of the wind speed that is
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    2. Jerohm asked by Jerohm
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  7. With a steady wind blowing at 15Kn blowing over the sea is it possible to determine the speed the waves are travelling?Thanks
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    2. Mike asked by Mike
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  8. Find the bearing and airspeed for a plane to fly 630 miles due north in 3 hours if the wind is blowing from a direction of 318*
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    2. Saraa asked by Saraa
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  9. An aeroplane is flying horizontally at 80m in still air.if the aviator wishes to flydue South and the wind blowing the south
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    2. Kris asked by Kris
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  10. what is the tone of this The Wind By Robert Louis Stevenson I saw you toss the kites on high And blow the birds about the sky;
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