The local time of town

  1. The local time of town A located on longitude 70 degrees East and latitude of town B on the same latitude when it's local time
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    2. Chimah Elizabeth asked by Chimah Elizabeth
    3. views icon 341 views
  2. as foot ball was being played in town y the refree observed that the local time was noon while the greenwich mean time was 20hrs
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    2. samuel asked by samuel
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  3. As a volley ball match was being played in town Y, the referee observed that the local time was noon while the Greenwich mean
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 346 views
  4. As a volleyball game was being played in town Y the referee observed that the local time was noon while the Greenwich main time
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    2. Chris asked by Chris
    3. views icon 152 views
  5. The local time of town a , located at longitude 70 degrees east and latitude 45 degrees north is 7:46pm calculate the longitude
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    2. Peniel onyi asked by Peniel onyi
    3. views icon 886 views
  6. What is the difference in longitude between town A and town B which local time at 7:00am and 5:00Pm respectively
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    2. Belemq asked by Belemq
    3. views icon 466 views
  7. What is the difference in Longitude between town A and town B whose local time are 8:00Am and 3:00Pm respectively?
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
    3. views icon 1,049 views
  8. what is the difference in longitude b/wtown a and town b whose local time are 8:00am and 3:00pm
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    2. mas,ud musa asked by mas,ud musa
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  9. you have recently moved to a rural town in the northeastern United States and discovered that a board of elected supervisors run
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    2. social studies asked by social studies
    3. views icon 109 views
  10. Determine the ETA of your ship (in local time) if you depart from Perth, Australia (ZD 7 East) to Cape Town, South Africa (ZD 1
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    2. views icon 216 views