The electrons in the beam

  1. A television set shoots out a beam of electrons. The beam current is 10E-6Amp(10macroAmp. How many electrons srike the TV screen
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    2. Mazino asked by Mazino
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  2. A beam containing one hundred billion (i.e. 1x10^11) electrons moves perpendicula to a 4.0 Tesla magnetic field and is deflected
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    2. GRISSELL asked by GRISSELL
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  3. What is the kinetic energy of each electron in a beam of electrons if the beam produces a diffraction pattern of a crystal which
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    2. Lacey asked by Lacey
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  4. How does magnification occur in an electron microscope?Light is changed into electrons by a convex lens. An electron beam makes
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  5. in an electron microscope, a tungstun cathode with work function 4.5 eV is heated to release electrons that are then initially
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    2. shelly asked by shelly
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  6. If a beam of blue light was shone through a glass prism, you would expect to seeA. The beam pass straight through, unaltered B.
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    2. Dave asked by Dave
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  7. A beam of electrons moving in the x-direction at 8.3Mm/s enters a region where a uniform 240G magnetic field points in the
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    2. tali asked by tali
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  8. A beam of electrons is directed into uniform electric and magnetic feilds that are at right angles to one another and to the
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    2. Ben asked by Ben
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  9. A beam of electrons is moving in a horizontal circle in a uniform magnetic field that is directed downward. The speed of the
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    2. Trace asked by Trace
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  10. Electrons in a narrow beam travelling at a steady speed of 5 x 10^7 ms^-1 are directed into the space between two oppositely
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    2. Ben asked by Ben
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