The decimal parts of the

  1. Given the indicated parts of triangle ABC with γ = 90°, approximate the remaining parts. (Round your answers for a and c to
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  2. Given the indicated parts of triangle ABC with γ = 90°, approximate the remaining parts. (Round your answers for a and c to
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  3. the tape diagram shows the number of parts of ice cream to milk (3:4) to make a milkshake. How many parts of ice cream are
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    2. rat asked by rat
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  4. For a science project, Tyronce is misxing a solution that is 6 parts of sugar to 25 parts of water. How would you wirte this as
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    2. Michelle asked by Michelle
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  5. If one hundredth is divided into ten equal parts, each part represents one what? 1- decimal, 2- decimal point, 3- fraction, or
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    2. Sky asked by Sky
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  6. What is the main reason some parts of Earth are heated more than other parts?-The sun's rays strike parts near the equator more
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  7. The decimal number 0.75 means:A. there are seventy-five parts of a whole unit that has 100 parts. B. there are seven-and-a-half
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    2. Loulou asked by Loulou
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  8. A machine produces parts with lengths that are normally distributed with ó = 0.52. A sample of 16 parts has a mean length of
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    2. TOM7 asked by TOM7
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  9. In a right triangle ABC, C = 90°, B = 38° 35' and a = 6.434 mi. Solve for all the missing parts using the given information.
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    2. Jennifer asked by Jennifer
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  10. The decimal parts of the logarithms of two numbers taken at random are found to 6 decimal places. What is the probability that
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    2. urgently help needed please asked by urgently help needed please
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