The cows at the evaleen

  1. The cows at the evaleen dairy produce enough milk to fill a 4800 gallon tanker truck each day. The milk is then hauled to a
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    2. Health asked by Health
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  2. The cows at the evaleen dairy produce enough milk to fill a 4800 gallon tanker truck each day. The milk is then hauled to
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    2. Aria asked by Aria
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  3. Read this passage from the episode: They've learned what farmers can do to help keep cows happy and calm. Cows like soothing
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  4. Based on the article, which of these is true about cows?Cows communicate in voices that are all the same. Cows that do not have
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  5. A famer has twice as many cow as sheep. After he sold 375 cows and another 12 cows died, he had half as many cows as sheep left.
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    2. TT asked by TT
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  6. Carol uses the same ratio table to solve the problems below. Do you agree or disagree?8 cows/2 pigs = c cows/10 pigs 2 pigs/8
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    2. Stephanie asked by Stephanie
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  7. Write an equation for the problem below. Is the given value a solution?A farmer sees 56 of his cows out of the barn. He knows
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  8. Study the information about cows and coliform (including the given data) below andthen (using Excel) draw up the necessary graph
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    2. ntesh asked by ntesh
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  9. Study the information about cows and coliform (including the given data) below andthen (using Excel) draw up the necessary graph
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    2. ntesh asked by ntesh
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  10. A village lost 15% of it's cows in a flood and 10% of the remainder died of diseases. If no. Of cows were left now is 7650 what
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    2. Importent please help for exam asked by Importent please help for exam
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