Starting at t=0, a particle

  1. A particle moves along a linear path (left/right) and its position, relative to its starting location is given by the function
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    2. anonymus asked by anonymus
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  2. Starting at t=0, a particle moves along the x-axis so that its position at time t is given by x(t)=t^4-5t^2+2t. What are all
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    2. Mike asked by Mike
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  3. Starting from rest a particle confined to move along a straight line is accelerated at a rate of 5m/s. Describe the motion of
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    2. Joe asked by Joe
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  4. A particle moves in the xy-plane, starting from the origin at t = 0 with an initial velocity v0 = (20ˆi – 15ˆj) m/s and a
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    2. anonymus asked by anonymus
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  5. A particle of mass m is released from rest at the top of a spherical dome of radius far below the starting point will the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  6. A particle starts frm a point with a velocity of 6m/s and moves with an acceleration of (-2m/secondsquare). Show that after 6
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    2. Maihul asked by Maihul
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  7. A particle starts at the point(−3, 0), moves along the x-axis to (3, 0), and then along the semicircle y = sqrt(9 − x^2) to
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    2. Taylor asked by Taylor
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  8. The magnitude of the velocity of a particlewhich starts from rest 2 ft below the origin when t = 0 and moves along a vertical
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    2. stan asked by stan
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  9. The magnitude of the velocity of a particlewhich starts from rest 2 ft below the origin when t = 0 and moves along a vertical
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    2. stan asked by stan
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  10. a particle starts from rest and moves along a straight line with an acceleration equal to 24-15√t where distance and time are
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    2. justin asked by justin
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