Seven runners are competing in

  1. Seven runners are competing in a race where 3 of them They will win medals for coming in first, second and third place. How many
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    2. views icon 72 views
  2. At the track and field meet, the runners were competing in running as far as they could in 3 minutes. Below are their distances
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    2. ??? asked by ???
    3. views icon 151 views
  3. At the track and field meet, the runners were competing in running as far as they could in 3 minutes. Below are their distances
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    2. Sunshine124 asked by Sunshine124
    3. views icon 136 views
  4. A total of 45 412 runners participated in the Vancouver Sun Run. Of these runners, 0.85% completed the run in under 40 min. How
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    2. Anne asked by Anne
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  5. two runners are competing in a 400-meter dash. The first runs at 6m/s and maintains this speed. The second runner starts at
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. gigz asked by gigz
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  6. There are 100 runners, each given a distinct bib labeled 1 to 100. What is the most number of runners that we could arrange in a
    1. answers icon 5 answers
    2. nima asked by nima
    3. views icon 489 views
  7. There are 100 runners, each given a distinct bib labeled 1 to 100. What is the most number of runners that we could arrange in a
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Al asked by Al
    3. views icon 501 views
  8. There are 100 runners, each given a distinct bib labeled 1 to 100. What is the most number of runners that we could arrange in a
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. Mathsfreak asked by Mathsfreak
    3. views icon 591 views
  9. There are 100 runners, each given a distinct bib labeled 1 to 100. What is the most number of runners that we could arrange in a
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. Stranger asked by Stranger
    3. views icon 611 views
  10. There are 100 runners, each given a distinct bib labeled 1 to 100. What is the most number of runners that we could arrange in a
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. Dan asked by Dan
    3. views icon 638 views