Question A farmer raises only

  1. a farmer raises pigs and chickens. The farmer has 220 animals with the total of 700 likes. How many pics does the farmer have?
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    2. views icon 28 views
  2. farmer montague raises chicken and goats. she is not sure how many she of each animal. but she does know she has 22 animals all
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. rhea asked by rhea
    3. views icon 1,566 views
  3. Farmer John (not the bacon guy) raises ducks and cows. He has 54 animals which all together have 122 feet. How many of each type
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Erika G. asked by Erika G.
    3. views icon 784 views
  4. Which is the best example of interdependence? A a tourist industry relies upon the restaurant industry to feed visitors. b. a
    1. answers icon 4 answers
    2. Garris asked by Garris
    3. views icon 561 views
  5. WHAT IS A WONDER QUESTION?my english teacher assigned me a summer assignment and one of the question says: 2. Writing raises
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. josh asked by josh
    3. views icon 747 views
  6. A farmer raises cows and chickens. The farmer has a total of 21 animals. One day he counts the legs of all his animals and
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. Curt asked by Curt
    3. views icon 1,652 views
  7. a farmer raises chickens and cows. there are 34 animals in all. the farmer counts 110 legs total on these animals. how many
    1. answers icon 4 answers
    2. danny asked by danny
    3. views icon 5,392 views
  8. A farm raises pigs and chickens. The farmer has a total of 66 animals. One day he counts the legs of all his animals and
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. josecampos asked by josecampos
    3. views icon 1,370 views
  9. A farmer has 120 bushels of con for sale at a​ farmer's market. He sells an average of 15&5/8bushels each day. After 7
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. i asked by i
    3. views icon 121 views
  10. A farmer has 120bushels of corn for sale at a​ farmer's market. He sells an average of 14 and one fourth bushels each day.
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    2. wiggle asked by wiggle
    3. views icon 136 views