Q1.Write the names of the

  1. hi my names Rebecca and i need to write an assignment, i need a little help!i need too find the best Ethologists! as i need to
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    2. Rebecca asked by Rebecca
    3. views icon 572 views
  2. 1. Write things names in English.2. Write item names in English. 3. Write stuff names in English. 4. Write things in English. 5.
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    2. rfvv asked by rfvv
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  3. Give the names of these acids.A. HNO(subscript 2) B. HMnO(s.s. 4) C. HCN D. H(s.s. 2)S Write the names of these bases. A. LiOH
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    2. anonymous asked by anonymous
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  4. write names for JoJo stands, but use states in america in the names.
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  5. write more names for JoJo stands, but use states in america in the names.
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  6. What is the main benefit of using scientific names instead of common names for organisms?Scientific names have been around for
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    2. Anne asked by Anne
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  7. I need to write a program to solve for the following: Suppose that the file USPRES.txt contains the names fo the frist 43 United
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    2. Wally asked by Wally
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  8. "Abbott: Oh, I'll tell you their names, but you know it seems to me they give these ball players now-a-days very peculiar names.
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    2. kathy asked by kathy
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  9. Pseudo is a word root that means "false."Which is the best definition of the word pseudonym in the sentence below? Many famous
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    2. g herbo asked by g herbo
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  10. Hi bot, my name is Amelia, I'm a triplet and my two siblings names are Max and Evan. You guessed their names on the first try.
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    2. donut asked by donut
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