Paul Websters motorboat can travel

  1. Paul Websters motorboat can travel 15 mph in still water. Traveling with the current of a river, the boat can travel 20 miles in
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    2. alms asked by alms
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  2. A river flows at the rate of 2 mph. If a motorboat can travel 12 miles upstream and return in a total of 2.5 hours, what is the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. A river flows at the rate of 2 mph. If a motorboat can travel 12 miles upstream and return in a total of 2.5 hours, what is the
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    2. Cadie asked by Cadie
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  4. Nikki is driving a motorboat across a river that flows at 5 m/s. The motorboat has a speed of 12 m/s in stillwater. She heads
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    2. Liz asked by Liz
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  5. a motorboat traveling with the curent went 68 miles in 3hrs and 24mins. against the current, it took 4hrs and 15 mins to travel
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    2. will asked by will
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  6. A motorboat can travel upstream on a river at 18km/h and downstream at 30km/h. How far upsteam can the boat travel if it leaves
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    2. Kate asked by Kate
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  7. A motorboat can travel upsteam on a river at 18km/h and downsteam at 30km/h. How far upstream can the boat travel if it leaves
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    2. Ashley asked by Ashley
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  8. A motorboat can travel upsteam on a river at 18km/h and downsteam at 30km/h. How far upstream can the boat travel if it leaves
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    2. Ashley asked by Ashley
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  9. a motorboat, which can travel at 20 miles per hour in still water, takes 3/5 as long to travel downstream on a river from a to
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    2. chelsy asked by chelsy
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  10. a motorboat takes 5 hours to travel 45km downstream and then 18 km upstream on a river whose current flow of the rate of 3
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    2. sofia asked by sofia
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