Nouns Use the following categories

  1. What kinds of nouns make a story’s setting easier to imagine?specific nouns proper nouns complex nouns general nouns
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  2. There are five kinds of nouns:Common nouns, collective nouns, material nouns, proper nouns, and abstract nouns. What kinds of
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    2. John asked by John
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  3. NounsUse the following categories to identify each noun: concrete noun, proper noun, abstract noun, possessive noun, or compound
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    2. anonymous asked by anonymous
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  4. How do collective nouns differ from plural nouns?A. Only collective nouns are formed by adding -s or -es to their singular
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  5. 6. Which statement about possessive nouns is true?Possessive nouns are always capitalized. Possessive nouns show ownership.♥
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    2. YOLO asked by YOLO
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  6. English has three main classes of words: _____.nouns, verbs, and modifiers nouns, prepositions, and adverbs nouns, pronouns, and
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  7. What is the difference between abstract nouns and concrete nouns?A. Concrete nouns can be identified by the senses, but abstract
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    2. Saddia asked by Saddia
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  8. Ms. Sue are there any improper nouns or odd nouns, because according to the HW there are 2 nouns in this sentence.That was the
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    2. nicole asked by nicole
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  9. What's the difference between common and proper nouns?Proper nouns are used in formal writing but common nouns are used in
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    2. cesat asked by cesat
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  10. Link Removed)
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    2. Ms. Sue asked by Ms. Sue
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