Mary will be taking a

  1. could you tell me if i can use this as a descriptive paragraph.My loyal friend Mary Ellen is 48 years old with shoulder length
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    2. deborah asked by deborah
    3. views icon 520 views
  2. Mary will be taking a 20-question, multiple-choice exam with three choices for each question. She has another important project
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    2. john asked by john
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  3. Main Characters: Mary, Emily, Mary's son and hiswife. Conflict: Mary's health was declining causing her to make a mess at dinner
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    2. myworldwha asked by myworldwha
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  4. i need to know if i need to add any puctuation?Descriptive paragraph Deborah PaulA loyal Friend My loyal friend Mary Ellen is 48
    1. answers icon 5 answers
    2. deborah asked by deborah
    3. views icon 749 views
  5. Determine whether the following are entailment, presupposition, or both.1) (A) Mary murdered the platypus (B) Mary killed
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    2. Marcella asked by Marcella
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  6. In The Crucible Act, Why did John and Mary Warren go to court together?They are having an affair Mary is under John’s spell
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    2. views icon 35 views
  7. MARY. How's Ben been doing these two years, father?OLLIVANT. Hasn't your brother written you? MARY. Only once—when I left
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    2. views icon 26 views
  8. Mary Ann solves the inequality −3x≥12 . Justify the steps Mary Ann takes to find the solution set.(1 point) Responses Mary
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    2. gracie asked by gracie
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  9. Mary Ann solves the inequality −3x≥12 . Justify the steps Mary Ann takes to find the solution set.(1 point)Responses Mary
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    2. Lee Hooni 🖤 asked by Lee Hooni 🖤
    3. views icon 37 views
  10. Mary Ann solves the inequality −3x≥12. Justify the steps Mary Ann takes to find the solution set.(1 point)Responses Mary Ann
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    2. Memes Goofy ahh ohio asked by Memes Goofy ahh ohio
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