Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist: The

  1. I need help with these questions. The first question I have to make the language nonsexist for inclusive language. Question is
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    2. clark asked by clark
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  2. I need to check and see if this sentence is : Inclusive language- making language nonsexist.Sentence: The minister joined the
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    2. ann asked by ann
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  3. Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist: The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.My
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    2. ann asked by ann
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  4. Rewrite the following sentences, focusing on the grammar area specified in the left column. To enter your answer, click next to
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    2. Nene asked by Nene
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  5. How can I re-write this sentence? Each advisor was contacted by his students.Assignment: Inclusive Language:Making Language
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    2. Christine asked by Christine
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  6. Inclusive Language—Nonracist and Nonagist LanguageThe woman who earned the award was a Negro from Louisiana. Inclusive
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    2. chandara asked by chandara
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  7. Directions: Correct the following sentences given if needed under the rule of :Inclusive language-Making language non-sexist.(1)
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    2. jasmine asked by jasmine
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  8. Directions:Correcting the sentences given if needed under the rule of: Inclusive Language-Making language nonracist and
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    2. jasmine asked by jasmine
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  9. It’s hard to believe that a woman her age could accomplish so much.Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and
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    2. marie asked by marie
    3. views icon 537 views
  10. does anyone know what a superposed language is?To superpose is to place something OVER something else. In this case, if you are
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    2. tea asked by tea
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