In a soda acid fire

  1. in a soda-acid fire extinguisher, concentrateed sulfuric acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to produce carbon dioxide,
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    2. leslie asked by leslie
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  2. In a soda acid fire extinguisher, concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate to produce carbon dioxide,
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    2. student_14579 asked by student_14579
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  3. we have a bag that can hold up to 775 ml. we have baking soda and 6 molar of hydrochloric acid. how can we find out how much
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    2. george asked by george
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  4. In order to neutralize the acid in 10.0 mL of 18.0 mol/L sulfuric acid that was spilled on a laboratory bench, sodium
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    2. Jennifer asked by Jennifer
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  5. Which of the following would you NOT use to put out a grease fire?Question 21 options: 1) Baking soda 2) Flour 3) Water 4) Fire
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    2. Maya S. asked by Maya S.
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  6. What can never be used to put out a grease fire?Group of answer choices fire extinguisher water baking soda all of these can be
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    2. views icon 49 views
  7. lf a grease fire occurs, what can be done to prevent it from spreading?Use B cover possible Use baking soda if it is a small
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    2. Mama mo asked by Mama mo
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  8. Can you help me find a word that can go at the end of all 3 beginning words. For example: safe, fire, soda, answer is "cracker".
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    2. Cindy asked by Cindy
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  9. Which of the following will put out a grease fire?Holiday fire safety - Unattended cooking on stove leads to a fire Group of
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    2. views icon 41 views
  10. What acid or base will you expect to find as a constituent ofa) baking soda b) vinegar c) gastric juice d) soda ash e) lye
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    2. BabyMikee asked by BabyMikee
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