I have an English essay

  1. I'm sorry, I just need a subject suggestion for an English Essay. It's a definition essay for my college English 1A class. The
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    2. Brandon asked by Brandon
    3. views icon 637 views
  2. Nicki wants to name a computer file. The file contains the second draft of an essay on William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. hibk asked by hibk
    3. views icon 89 views
  3. Write an example of Outline of how the essay willdevelop (Road map) if my essay will be about Comparison and contrast the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Nucky asked by Nucky
    3. views icon 94 views
  4. Hi I have to write an essay that is due on Monday. However, English not being my second language I am having a hard time
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. Amy asked by Amy
    3. views icon 691 views
  5. Choose two of the “other worlds” described in the unit. Compare and contrast the ways these other worlds impacted the real
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 70 views
  6. I'm writing an essay for english are people with better jobs treated different. I think they are. I have written the essay but
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. Taunya asked by Taunya
    3. views icon 578 views
  7. 9th grade low English essay Which shapes an individual’s personality more: nature (the genes a person inherited from their
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. ashely asked by ashely
    3. views icon 88 views
  8. In the website I was able to learn about the English language very well, because in the website there are a lot of menus that
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. ina asked by ina
    3. views icon 2,559 views
  9. Can someone check my english essay. 700 words.I have English as 2nd language
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Jon asked by Jon
    3. views icon 743 views
  10. We have to write this essay for english.Here is the info. We are working on the intro for our essay B = Broad Statement I =
    1. answers icon 20 answers
    2. Laruen asked by Laruen
    3. views icon 1,229 views