How is the bird helping

  1. Three birds are flying on the sky. Each bird moves by given following functions.Bird 1: y1 = 2x+ 6 Bird 2: y2 = -2x + 8 Bird 3:
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    2. Cons asked by Cons
    3. views icon 410 views
  2. How is the bird helping its babies?(1 point) Responses The bird is cleaning the eggs. The bird is cleaning the eggs. The bird is
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    2. views icon 17 views
  3. Using the key above, which of the following is Geospiza?(1 point) Responses Bird Y Bird Y Bird X Bird X Bird W Bird W Bird Z
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    2. views icon 157 views
  4. Using the key above, which of the following is Geospiza? %C2%A0 (1 point) Responses Bird Z Bird Z Bird Y Bird Y Bird W Bird W
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    2. Air Supply asked by Air Supply
    3. views icon 74 views
  5. Using the key above, which of the following is Geospiza?(1 point) Responses Bird Y Bird Y Bird Z Bird Z Bird X Bird X Bird W
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 221 views
  6. Using the key above, which of the following is Geospiza?(1 point) Responses Bird Z Bird Z Bird W Bird W Bird X Bird X Bird Y
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    2. views icon 77 views
  7. Using the key above, which of the following is Geospiza?(1 point) Responses a b c or d Bird Z Bird Z Bird W Bird W Bird X Bird X
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    2. views icon 138 views
  8. the song alouette talks about what in generealA. A hunter looking for a bird B. A cook plucking feathers from a bird C. A cat
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    2. views icon 26 views
  9. A bird accelerates from 15 m/s,north to 25 m/s,south in 8 seconds.A)What is the bird's acceleration vector? B) How far and in
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    2. Mary asked by Mary
    3. views icon 810 views
  10. If a bird has a hooked bill and sharp talons, it might be a(an):a.) water bird b.) ostrich c.) bird of prey d.) perching bird I
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    2. Jennifer asked by Jennifer
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