How does graphite burn in

  1. How does graphite burn in air to give carbondioxide
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    2. simon asked by simon
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  2. Graphite is an alltrop of carbon.a.Define the term allotrop b. Describe the structure and bonding in graphite and explain why
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    2. Galmai Simon asked by Galmai Simon
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  3. Graphite is an allotrope of carbona) Define the term Allotrope b) Describe the structure and bonding in graphite and explain why
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    2. simon fredly asked by simon fredly
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  4. The reaction through which carbon changes from graphite to diamond form is represented by the equationC(graphite) --->
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    2. Rose asked by Rose
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  5. The reaction through which carbon changes from graphite to diamond form is represented by the equationC(graphite) --->
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    2. Rose asked by Rose
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  6. The reaction through which carbon changes from graphite to diamond form is represented by the equationC(graphite) --->
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    2. Rose asked by Rose
    3. views icon 555 views
  7. The reaction through which carbon changes from graphite to diamond form is represented by the equationC(graphite) --->
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    2. Rose asked by Rose
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  8. What would the specific heat of graphite be? A 15.0g piece of graphite is heated to 100.0 degrees C and placed in calorimeter.
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    2. Diana asked by Diana
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  9. What is the purpose of a workable fixative?A) to erase large areas of graphite markings B) to erase precise areas of graphite
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  10. The specific heat of graphite is 0.71 J/g oC. Calculate the energy required to raise the temperature of 1.0 mol of graphite by
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    2. Nisah asked by Nisah
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