Determine whether the italicized verb

  1. Determine whether the italicized verb in the sentence is an action verb or a linking verb.The weather today looks cold and
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    2. Brian asked by Brian
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  2. Which verb is the italicized word?The baby is (this is italicized) becoming louder with each waking moment. 1. action verb 2.
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. In each sentence, if the italicized verb does not agree with the subject, circle the verb and write it correct form.I will
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    2. Shadow asked by Shadow
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  4. Identify the term that best describes the italicized word.Nobody was really surprised when the votes were counted and Frank
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    2. FMSLION asked by FMSLION
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  5. 1. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in
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    2. Beatrice asked by Beatrice
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  6. What is the principal part of the italicized verb in this sentence from “The Story-Teller”?The aunt suppressed a gasp of
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    2. Trikzz asked by Trikzz
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  7. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes. the
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    2. corie asked by corie
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  8. Read the following sentence. Decide if the italicized verb is used as transitive or intransitive.The old man watched as the
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    2. Kyle asked by Kyle
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  9. Indicate if the underlined words should be italicized or put in quotation marks.The Gift of the Magi is O. Henry’s most famous
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    2. views icon 91 views
  10. Choose the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of the following verb to complete the sentence.She is the _____ driver
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    2. Kyle asked by Kyle
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