Design a class named DVD that has fields for the

  1. Design a class named DVD that has fields for the DVD category , tittle and price include methods to set and get the value for
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    2. Vhulenda asked by Vhulenda
    3. views icon 481 views
  2. Create a class named Checkup with fields that hold a patient number, two blood pressure figures (systolic and diastolic), and
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    2. Andreah asked by Andreah
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  3. Design a sub-class of SimpleCalculator called Calculator using psudoecode that contains public methods named multiply(), and
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    2. reem asked by reem
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  4. Design a sub-class of SimpleCalculator called Calculator using psudoecode that contains public methods named multiply(), and
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. reem asked by reem
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  5. Design a sub-class of SimpleCalculator called Calculator using psudoecode that contains public methodsnamed multiply(), and
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. jerry asked by jerry
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  6. Design a sub-class of SimpleCalculator called Calculator using psudoecode that contains public methodsnamed multiply(), and
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. jerry asked by jerry
    3. views icon 560 views
  7. Originally named Mrs.Fields ' Chocolate Chippery, Fields and her husband grew Mrs.Fields to a company of over 400 location and
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  8. Create a project named BankAccountTester. Create a class named BankAccount. A bank account has fields for a balance. The bank
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. heather asked by heather
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  9. Design a class named Book that holds a stock number,author, title, price, and number of pages for a book. Include methods to set
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. stephanie asked by stephanie
    3. views icon 847 views
  10. My school is named FCA.My English class begins at 10:55 am. My history Live Lesson begins at 3:45 pm. My science class is named
    1. answers icon 5 answers
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