Create a creative writing story

  1. Create a creative writing story for me in prose but must also use some figurative language and has to be 600-650 words. Make it
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  2. create 3 different story ideas based on the writing promptGenre: What kind of story am I writing? (For example- mystery, comedy,
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  3. Create and write your own story .Follow the writing process when writing your story . Consider language rules, punctuation
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    2. Lwalwa asked by Lwalwa
    3. views icon 31 views
  4. Create and write your own story .Follow the writing process when writing your story . Consider language rules, punctuation
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    2. Lwalwa asked by Lwalwa
    3. views icon 34 views
  5. Fatma is working on an essay for her creative writing class. For the assignment, Fatma must write a story or a written account
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  6. Is this a good Poem for a senior in creative writing? The topic is "The Power of Words"Words are one of the most powerful things
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    2. Angela asked by Angela
    3. views icon 709 views
  7. im going to write creative short story about a death metal vocalist that gets killed the same way it was written in his song
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  8. Does Harvard University have art & creative writing classes cause I want to become a artist & a creative writer (when writing
    1. answers icon 7 answers
    2. Kim asked by Kim
    3. views icon 635 views
  9. Oreo is taking a creative writing class. He turns in a story that he thinks is pretty good but it was hard to imagine what the
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  10. Examine how can A, B, C, D, E formula used in creative story writing?
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    2. views icon 42 views