Column A standard form scientific

  1. Column A standard form scientific notation base and exponent column B a 10 B 7.6 * 10 ^ -4 c4d 45, 0000
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    2. Amy asked by Amy
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  2. Match the exponent form to the correct standard formColumn A 3 4 5. 214 812 2N(-3) (-4)^2 (213) x (3^2) (4/5112 (2/3)13 Column B
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    2. Meow asked by Meow
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  3. Explain how to convert seven point one three times ten to the eleventh from scientific notation to standard form, then give the
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    2. none ya asked by none ya
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  4. 1. the speed of light is 8.0x^8m/s in standard form that is?2. the average size of a virus is 2x 10^-10 nanometers in diameter.
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    2. melves asked by melves
    3. views icon 680 views
  5. turn standard form into scientific notation:1. 12457.686 m 2. 0.000065423 g 3. 128.90 g 4. 0.0000007532 m turn scientific
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    2. melves asked by melves
    3. views icon 943 views
  6. Describe and correct the error in writing the number 81,700,000 in scientific notation.Standard form 81,700,000 product form
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
    3. views icon 1,397 views
  7. Please help with the following questions:1. write 12 million in scientific notation 2. Write 17,600 in scientific notation 3.
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  8. I am doing a crossword puzzle that has statements that you write their answers in the right column. I have two that I can't get.
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    2. Bianca asked by Bianca
    3. views icon 561 views
  9. The width of a standard newspaper column is 2.625 in. and the length of a standard column is 19.5 in. Express the ratio of the
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Ron asked by Ron
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  10. One of your friends missed the class on scientific notation. Describe how you would explain to your friend what it means for a
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    2. no asked by no
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