At 08:00hrs a 2.0- m-long

  1. At 10:00hrs a 1.5- m-long vertical stick in air casts a shadow 1.4 m long. If the same stick is placed at 10:00hrs in air in a
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    2. Lindsay asked by Lindsay
    3. views icon 690 views
  2. At 08:00hrs a 2.0- m-long vertical stick in air casts a shadow 1.8 m long. If the same stick is placed at 08:00hrs in air in a
    1. answers icon 2 answers
    2. help? asked by help?
    3. views icon 718 views
  3. At 08:00hrs a 2.7- m-long vertical stick in air casts a shadow 1.8 m long. If the same stick is placed at 08:00hrs in air in a
    1. answers icon 6 answers
    2. Katie asked by Katie
    3. views icon 574 views
  4. At 08:00hrs a 2.0- m-long vertical stick in air casts a shadow 1.8 m long. If the same stick is placed at 08:00hrs in air in a
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. help? asked by help?
    3. views icon 766 views
  5. long vowelwhat about long vowels? A long vowel says its name. Example. long a - fA vor, pAy, long e - lE ver sEep long i - bIke,
    1. answers icon 0 answers
    2. bayatt asked by bayatt
    3. views icon 850 views
  6. How big is we the first programmable computerLong as a student as long as semi truck trailer as long as a small chapter book as
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 31 views
  7. How big was the first programmable computer?A). As long as a student's desk. B). As long as a semi-truck trailer. C). As long as
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 32 views
  8. How big was the first programmable computer?(2 points)A: As long as a student's desk. . B: As long as a semi-truck trailer. . C:
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 78 views
  9. How big was the first programmable computer? (2 points)As long as a student's desk. As long as a semi-truck trailer As long as a
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. Connexus_solver asked by Connexus_solver
    3. views icon 54 views
  10. How big was the first programmable computer?(2 points)Responses A. As long as a student's desk. B. As long as a semi-truck
    1. answers icon 1 answer
    2. views icon 197 views