Acidity or Basicity of Salt

  1. Acidity or Basicity of Salt Solutions.Will 0.10 M aqueous solutions of the following salts be acidic , basic or neutral? (Assume
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    2. L asked by L
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  2. make a statement relating hydrogen ion concentration to the acidity and basicity of solutions
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  3. make a statement relating hydrogen ion concentration to the acidity and basicity of solutions
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    2. Alex asked by Alex
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  4. How will you check acidity and basicity of various food stuffs at home using natural indicators such as china rose, red cabbage,
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    2. vinayak asked by vinayak
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  5. Chemists use a number denoted by pH to describe quantitatively the acidity or basicity of solutions. By definition, pH =
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    2. asdfghjkl; asked by asdfghjkl;
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  6. The hydrogen ion concentration of a substance is related to its acidity and basicity. Because hydrogen ion concentrations vary
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    2. Jenny asked by Jenny
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  7. Read the text.You have probably heard of the pH scale, which measures how acidic or basic different solutions are. A solution's
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    2. Brianna sapp asked by Brianna sapp
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  8. Does the basicity decreases as going down the column and right across the periodic table? How does the size of an element or
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    2. eng asked by eng
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  9. Rank the following solutions in order of increasing acidity.1 M phenol 1 M boric acid 1 M cyanic acid 1 M formic acid 1 M
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    2. Neha asked by Neha
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  10. Which two factors explain why salt was so valuable to West Africans?Salt helped prevent dehydration in the hot climate. Salt was
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    2. Bibby asked by Bibby
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