A small but measurable current

  1. Question:Let (X,@) be a measurable space. Prove that if for each a in R, {x in X | f(x) <= a } is measurable, then f is
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    2. . asked by .
    3. views icon 179 views
  2. A small but measurable current of 3.20 E-10 A. exists in a copper wire whose diameter is 0.03 cm. Calculate the electron drift
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    2. andrew asked by andrew
    3. views icon 482 views
  3. What does SMART stand for?Small, Measurable, Available, Ready and Timely Specific, Measurable, Available, Ready and Timely
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    2. views icon 11 views
  4. Question:For a subset E of R and a number a ∈ R, let a+E = {a+e | e ∈ E}. Show that E is measurable if and only if a+E is
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    2. Need Help of a Human Teacher asked by Need Help of a Human Teacher
    3. views icon 167 views
  5. Does a light bulb glow because....a) there is burning inside b) an electric current glows c) the filament is hot d) a very small
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    2. dave asked by dave
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  6. Let (X,@) be a measurable space.Statement 1: it is given that for each a in R the set {x in X | f(x) <= a } is measurable
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    2. . asked by .
    3. views icon 175 views
  7. Let (X,@) be a measurable space.Statement 1: it is given that for each a in R the set {x in X | f(x) <= a } is measurable
    1. answers icon 3 answers
    2. . asked by .
    3. views icon 227 views
  8. Why does performance need to be measurable?Be understandable Compare with data To contract It does not need to be measurable
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    2. views icon 25 views
  9. Let (X,Θ,µ) be a measure space, and suppose X = n∈Z+ En, where {En} is a pairwise disjoint collection of measurable subsets
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    2. . asked by .
    3. views icon 180 views
  10. For a subset E of R and a number a ∈ R, let a+E = {a+e | e ∈ E}.Show that E is measurable if and only if a+E is measurable.
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    2. views icon 141 views