A palindrome number is one

  1. What is a palindrome that means excitement.What is a palindrome for Old cats who are forgetful (2 words) What is a palindrome
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    2. Lanna asked by Lanna
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  2. A palindrome is a number that reads the same forwards as it does backwards. For example, 98789 is a 5-digit palindrome, and 7337
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  3. A car's odometer shows 72927 miles, a palindrome number. What will be the next palindrome number it shows?74047 73537 72937
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    2. Hhss asked by Hhss
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  4. A DNA chain is a string of As, Ts, Gs, and Cs. How many DNAchains are there of length 12 which have the following properties?
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    2. Carlos asked by Carlos
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  5. Jack is thinking of a number. Here are four facts about his number:a. It is a multiple of 3 b. it had three digits and is a
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    2. Frank C. asked by Frank C.
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  6. A palindrome is a number that is the same when read forwards and backwards, such as $43234$. Find the number of $4$-digit
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    2. alice asked by alice
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  7. I am an even, 3 digit palindrome. (ex. 464). The product of the digits is 8. What number am I?
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    2. rebel asked by rebel
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  8. The smallest non-palindromic number whose square is a palindrome?
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    2. Ben asked by Ben
    3. views icon 914 views
  9. the smallest non-palidronic number whose square is a palindrome.
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    2. christina asked by christina
    3. views icon 395 views
  10. A palindrome number is one that reads the same both forwards and backwards- for instance. 797 or 44. How many palindromic
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    2. Mildred asked by Mildred
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